(In)compatible King...
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(In)compatible Kings, a compatibility example.

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No question, just a reflection for those whom it may interest:

Listening to the card position videos again. Ernst speaking about Madonna´s King of Spades Moon card: A strong indication for a person who needs to take her own decisions, at any cost.

It so reminds me about my ex, who´s a King of Spades (BC). That attitude of hers was what finally made me leave her; she wanted to make the family decisions without consulting me, not only her partner but also the main provider. No team work there.

Then, when I compare it with my own spread: Five of Clubs Birth Card; King of Hearts on the Ecliptica, King of Diamonds on my Uranus card... No chance that we would find a way to negotiate through it!

Now: My BC is a Five and my ecliptic card is a King. Her BC is a King, her ecliptic card is a five! (of spades; my Jupiter card). How beautiful isn´t that; you can only imagen how much we have learnt from each other.

I´m staying in her home right now, we care deeply for each other and our kids; plan to spend X-mas together. Yesterday she bought me a sweater; I lend her money.... But going back to become a couple? I don´t think it´s possible with those Kings clashing...

(Also: Her Jupiter card is Five of Clubs, my Birth Card... Always intriguing to see how the energy waves together, in this beautiful system, Cards of Truth.)


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Also realizing how we have presented the path for each other:

I had to leave Chile where we lived, due to a legal problem. She didn´t like it all but realized she had to come with me (since we have kids); we now live in Mexico since 2013 and here she has become a successful wedding photographer. (I taught her and, really, obliged her; King of Hearts.) Five of Spades; improving, discover who you are in a different cultural context. She would not go back to Chile, she says, and she would not stop being a photographer. Yesterday some chilean visitors commented how she looks like a "norteña", a woman from northern Mexico, more and more for every year. Her parents always loved Mexico without ever visiting it, and her father sang tunes from here... How things go around...

Me on the other hand: She put me on the King of Hearts path (my ecliptica card), deciding to have a kid with me telling a (not so white) lie... Then we had another, and being a father has become a huge part of my life, partly thanks to her. (And yes, it took me some years, but now I´m thankful for her King of Spades decision to do whatever she wanted, not asking me and even lying about it...)

Maybe I´m writing this just for myself, but I think it´s yet another interesting example of how compatibility may work.

