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The Jack and Queen cards for compatiblity

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Hi Ernst; I´ve been thinking about the Jack and Queen cards and their roles in compatibility.

Shouldn´t we consider them more? After all, the Jack position shows what we really really are, and the Queen what we really really connect to. So any bond between the Queen card and a self factor should represent a strong bond. The same between a partnership factor and the partner´s Jack card.

And even more so if they are face cards.

Like from my own life: my ex´s (King of Spades) Jack card (also on the Jack position in every year spread!) being the same as my Venus card. I believe that´s a big part of how we managed to stay together for almost 15 years, despite a rather bad compatibility. (Especially with my Jupiter falling there - the kids.) And why we still care so much about each other. Also my Queen card is 6 of Hearts, so my family is what most makes me connect to life. Seem like another powerful glue to me.




2 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3508
Joined: 12 years ago

The jack and queen cards are here to push us more into who we really are in one way or antoehr, they are the creative evolutionary forces. They are very importnat connectiosn, but not always COMPATIBLE. they show that growth of some type is a big theme in the relationship. 

Posts: 694
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Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago

That´s food for thoughts! Thank you Ernst!



