Will someone be naturally drawn to a person that they have Stree Dreegha and Mahendra with ?
This is a highly anecdotal answer. Please take it with a grain of salt.
I check compatibility on my relationships generally. There is one friend I have both with and we certainly met randomly but we just GET each other. It is a real joy to interact. And we are very different people but it's like the differences are appreciated or cause no friction at all. And even though our working relationship has evolved/transformed/ended, we are still in each other's lives.
We definitely share the same sense of humor and general outlook on life. You could say we share the same values. There is a deep appreciation and gratitude for each other. We have lived very different lives so I consider this statistically unlikely for the average random two people in a friendship. I think it really does reflect what Mahendra states in the text and Stree Deergha.
No, we are not "naturally drawn" to a person with strii Diirgha and mehandra, but if we are, it will help keep things harmonious. What we are drawn to is your 7th house, our DK and our venus or jupiter in a woman's chart. So when the person matches these things, we are drawn to them... for better or worse. These things have nothing to do with compatibility though, they are just the draw.
Thanks Ernst and Cathy.
Guess that I am drawn to my DK and Jupiter then ????