5th house for heali...
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5th house for healing

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When we speak about general healing, shouldn´t we consider the 5th house more? It´s the house of praying, chants and mantras, and those have the capacity for heal the totality of the chart, don´t they? "From" the 5th house we can heal the rest of the houses, so to speak. That´s me thought about it, and also my experience.

I´d also say that the 5th house is related to energy work and magic, since it´s the house of the innermost expression. When our energy gets lined up and fine an expression, it heals and it changes the vibration of everything. So the 5th house would be the house of making the impossible happen. Miracles, that is.

A shamanic house, one could say. 

The world was created out of the OM sound. Galders, enchantments, chants, have a deep healing potential

What do you say about it? What do the old scripts say?


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That’s an interesting idea. 

according to Jaimini, we look for mercury connecting to the moon for healer. Mercury is the healer archetype and so it has to help the mind see the healing potentials and be able to provide it for someone. So the two most important planets for healing are the two mind planets: moon and mercury who have a special familial relationship with each other. 

for shamanism, I look at a strong 8th connection. I see the 8th and actually the moksha houses as being the most important for this type of healing since it’s mostly about the inner workings of the psyche so you want the moksha bhavas to be active. Shamanism is a deep type of connection to the astral planes (moksha). 

the truth is that mantras work, but not for everyone and not for everything, and the way they work is through making changes to the psychology of person first. The psychology is truly important for all types of healing.

The 5th is always helpful since it’s the creative intelligence. But, I would want the moksha houses to be active for these types of things. The 5th can deal with many things. 

Jaimini signals the trine from mercury to moon as a healing combination and that means the 5th does come into play since that’s what a trine is so 5 and 9 would be good to look into. This suggests that miracles could have to do with the 9th and secondarily to the 5th. 

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@suzanstars Yes, that is the traditional way of looking at it and I don´t argue against it. I just think that the healing based on prayers, chants and mantras has been forgotten in that description. 

And yes, the trine relation of the 5th to the 1st and the 9th is telling: It helps us to get things afloat. Healing the body and the person itself (1st) and healing the path, bringing flow back to the person´s life, as indicated by the 9th.


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Yep, that's probably the main reason some tropical vedic astrologers refuse to take on clients with an afflicted 5th lord or 5th house 😆 

Just wait until insurance companies start doing this.

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@mitryendra80 You mean they want to avoid getting into that energy field? Like concretely having a spelled put on them, whether it´s deliberately or not? Otherwise I´m afraid I don´t get it.


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@staffan I don't get it either.

But I think it might just be a cynical lack of patience.

But such clients may indeed not be particularly rewarding to work with, at least as a general rule. They may be easily deflated and demoralized. And astrologers do need to know their own strengths and weaknesses with their ability to deal with such clients in advance.

But why turn down a challenge that can be a learning experience? You can at least open with; "Your weak 5th lord/house is going to present a challenge in your life and in your healing until you learn to..." "Here are some ways to strengthen... " "This is why the 5th house is important: ..."

I think astrologers need to regularly strengthen and recharge their energy field, and not settle into a life-long habit of always blaming their client's karma for the unproductive and negative sessions.

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@mitryendra80 Yeah, as they say in Cuba, let´s not open that box, there might be cockroaches in it. About astrologers and their ethics and level of conscious that is.

As for the 5th house... Yeah, I could share a couple of interesting indications from my own chart, but again: it´s hardly the right place to do that.

But I agree, the 5th is such a make-it-or-break-it house. If you get aboard it, even if it´s bad from the beginning, it can really uplift the whole chart. Prayer, mantras and chants - what could be more powerful, really?

