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Brain development in Mercury years and trauma response

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@ernst in the PAC course talking about Mercury and Mental Illness there is a discussion about altered brain development.  Is this altered brain development caused from a certain trauma threshold?  A certain level of Mercury and Moon affliction? A triggering experience during Mercury years?

If everyone has a certain level of separation anxiety/trauma then how do we set the norm?  Is the threshold of what will cause altered brain development being triggering into child mind during Mercury years and the contributing factors?

An interesting example is the child music prodigy Alma Deutcher who has Mercury debilitated and combust the Sun and Moon with Saturn in Cancer.  Her time is not known but date is 19 February 2005 Basingstoke, England and time of day will not affect these positions.  Is the Moon Mercury combo here signifying a different brain growth that resulted in one part, music, being extremely well developed? 

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Ernst Wilhelm
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Imagine the brain is like clay that formed with every thought and action we take. Due to trauma, we may think and act excessively in a certain way so as to form the brain a certain way, now the pattern is set, its the norm, the habit. If we don't like the results of that, we can reprogram it though actions, affirmations and techniques to reach the subconsciousness. 

In respect to this prodigy, yes, it's possible to have a trauma, find a relief from the trauma, and as a result, develop a gift in that area. This is actually quite normal. everyone's level of what great thing they can do is somewhat in ratio to the pain they needed to escape. its the strong planets, the dignified planets, that show the escape offers something, versus an escape that only destroys a persons life like drugs. So one kid has moon in cancer and gets trauma and finds music, another has moon in scorpio, suffers the same trauma, and finds drugs.  

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@ernst thanks Ernst, this helps.  I am thinking about this also in the context of stress and biological mutation as adaptation.
