Developing a Rasi v...
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Developing a Rasi vs a House

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Hi Ernst,

What do you mean by developing a Rasi? Is it about integrating the qualities of that Rasi within the house it rules?

So I have Rahu in Capricorn in the 1st, so it would be about learning to bear responsibilities, handle power, being stoic, so everything that a Mars exalted would do. But that would take place within the self?

In comparison, if someone has Rahu in Capricorn in the 10th, they would be doing the same but in their work situation?

3 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

STudy the jaimini results for the rasis. Then examine if you are following those results. So if rahu is in aries, a person struggles with aries, Rats and Cats, which simply speaking, is the strong taking from the weak. OOH, sounds bad, but its neccessary. Look at libra, libra is gain from trade, are you making deals, fullfilling the trade, and then the person who you made the deal with decides to not fulfill their part of the bargain, then its time to get strong and take from them in order to maintain the integrity of the bargain. 


rahu in capricorn, is being in the village, deal with ALL the shit that goes wrong, cancer says, I can just LEAVE, go to a far away place. but capricorn says, iw ll stay here and accept what is not fixable or changeable and use my mars to fix what is fixable. 

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If as you mention, older astrology and Jaimini did not use signs, the Rasi that Rahu is in, would it have gotten developed by default? As in develop the houses enough that the Rasi gets developed as a result? 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

They use rasis, they just used different symbology for them. Jaimini explanations of the rasi is the survival mechanism of the rasi. Ultimately, thats a VERY important part of the rasi. So its simply another level of interpretation. I really use these interpretations A LOT with rahu and ketu, and really, with all things. Its the first thing I go to these days. That's why I taught the Jaimini on the rasis videos. 
