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Saros Cycles

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I have a request to those who are studying the Saros Series. Could you give me a brief run-down of the past series, the present series, and the next series if it has been discussed, please?

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Dear Manisha

At any given time about  35 saros Series are running each at a different stage of its 1300 years. so what do you mean by the Past, the pressent and the next saros cycle?

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I am looking for information and an analysis of each of the 1300 years period. So, the present 1300 year period that we are in or going to be in, the 1300 year period before that, and the 1300 year period after the present one. 

I guess I am looking for the underlying theme. Planetary positions at the start and end of each of the periods would be great.

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Dear @manisha 

At this moment we are in 39 different 1300 year cycles each working on a different aspect of  humanity based on the start of the cycle. In the book "The eagle and the lark" BERNADETTE BRADY has a chapter where she gives half a page of explanation for each of the 35 ongoing cycles for the date she wrote the book. (although I have found some mistakes in her calculations comparing them to NASA JPL calculations)

Each of these cycles has a present cycle, a past cycle and a future cycle and each one of them are in a different stage. but all 39 are happening right now.

For example one is working on Humanity to recognize the true value of women. An other may be working on to give physical security to humanity and ...

Explaining all 39 on going saros cycles needs a book.

Check the Following link , Nasa has catalogued 180 Saros cycles from 3000 B.C to 4000 A.D.
you will find that Saros Cycles 117 to 156 all are currently active.
if you click on each saros cycle you will see the list of the eclipses in that cycle.

for the information you seek i suggest you take @francesca-2 advice and read the books chapter on the cycles.




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Thank you for the summing up of the intricacy and the inter-woven-ness of the Saros cycles for me, and also the link. It will be something to look into at a later date.

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Hi Manisha!

Do you have a copy of "The Eagle and the Lark"? It contains information on the Saros cycles. If you'd like I can share a digital copy with you.

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Thank you so very much for the offer. I have a copy, but it is taking time to getting around to reading it, hence was looking for a summary.

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There's a lot of material in the beginning that I personally didn't find all that useful either. 

You could start by skipping ahead to the appendix with the summaries on individual Saros cycles and reading the ones that will apply to eclipses this year.

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Totally agreed. I did the same.
