Does the latjitadhi...
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Does the latjitadhi avastha of the ruling planet of the nakshatra determine the productivity of that nakshatra?

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Hi All,

Hi Ernst,


Does the latjitadhi avastha of the ruling planet of the nakshatra determine the productivity of that nakshatra?

Can we look at it in this way, or is this a false assesment?





4 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Lajjitaadi avasthas indicate the fulfillment, this often aligns with productivity, but it does not have to, productivity is more yogas and the concrete stuff as indicted by Jaimini techniques. 

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Posts: 28


I need a bit more clarification on this...

Is the fulfillment of ruling planet of the nakshatras related to the fulfillment of the nakshatra?

Is their a relation between these?

Thank you


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

The Nakshatra is not looking to be fulfilled, it's what grows the things in our life. So there is a force that helps make something happen, that's the Nakshatra. So the planet is trying to fulfill itself in the place its in the chart, the Nakshatra its in is the force that the planet has available to use for that. The nakshatra the planet rules is not important really, it not a true rulership as are the rulership of the signs. Its simply that the nakshtra, a force, drives a planet in the dasa, and that planet is determined by the nakshatra lord. Thats all that is happening. for every planet, there are three nakshatras that deliver their force through that planet, that's with vimshottari dasa. With other dasas, the nakshatras will deliver their force through a different planet. and since so many differnet nakshatras can activate the same or a different planet in a dasa, its the nakshatra a planet is IN, that is important, not what it rules. MOdern astrologers are making up all kinds of things about nakshatras based on the lord, like its ruled by saturn which means this, no, that's nonsense. Yes, with signs that works, saturn's signs ARE saturnine and if you read the meanings of these signs, you can see it, but with nakshatras the meanings of the nakshatra has nothign to do with the so called lord, which is reall just its vimshottari dasa assignment. 

Posts: 28
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Dear Guruji Ernst,

Thank you for this deep clarification on the lord of the nakshatras and the nakshatras themselves.

Much love & respect,






