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Human Design Chart

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Hi @ernst

Hi All

Dear Ernst, in your recent video on Youtube you talk about Human Design chart, based on the 64 symbols of I-Ching and their 6 lines. Have you taught this in any of the courses?

How can I learn more  about it and Human energy circulation?


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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

I have not taught this. THere is a lot of information on it online. 

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@ernst Maybe you could eventually incorporate Human Design's tools, charts, and symbols into Kala software as an optional extra layer for those who want to add and integrate yet another dimension to Jyotish research. Like with the C.O.T.

It would be a lot of information, however, so it could be something students and professionals could opt in or out of depending on the complexity they are willing to learn as students, to add to their work, and to communicate to their clients.



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@mitryendra80 I have the impression that HD is quite business-driven. Probably a lot of copyright and stuff like that going on.

And really, if we have like the best vedic astrologer teacher since... who knows... I wouldn´t ask Picasso to teach me guitar playing, even though he painted a couple of fancy guitars. ???? 


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@meyes I Suppose your right. There probably won't be different companies competing to make the best "Human Design Software" like there are with Jyotish software, as Jyotish is more vast, ancient, and not copyrighted, created, or founded by one individual like HD is.

But maybe Ernst could still write a raw translation of the Atharva Veda, like he did with Jaimini, so we can ponder those magical riddles? ????

He recommended the Atharva Veda in one or more of his videos and I think there is untapped potential in those puzzling texts.

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Thanks, I'll check it out.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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The human design software available is not very good and for what it is, its way overpriced. It has a fraction of the work of kala, and costs many times more. Every time Srishti uses it, she want's to program it into kala. But no plans to do so as we have to much other pressing things to get done. 


Atharva Veda requires decades of study for each of the formulas hidden in the text. its worse than Jaimini. 

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@ernst I was half joking due to the time involved with Atharva Veda and the length of the Vedas in general.

But I think it would be fun for sanskrit-knowledgable students to pick one or a few verses that really speak to their curiosity and spend a life time studying the underlying sanskrit involved.

Wow, worse than Jaimini. At least the A.V. has spells and "remedies" to life's problems!

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@ernst I agree with what you said about their software...KALA's accuracy and details have NO match !! If they should be so lucky to ever get Srishti and You to reprogram their software, they would then be on the right track maybe....lots of untapped into potential...but who knows what the future brings 🙂

And I don't think any copyright would be violated when incorporating iChing knowledge in Kala, Gene Keys has done something similar. Human Design is a system or body of knowledge just like iChing and Vedic Astrology are. They cannot be under copyright. Their software and graph, yes...of course!

GK uses same roots as HD knowledge, different names of the gates and lines...and it's still amazing knowledge that can be layered with the HD.

As is, it's still nice to use their free calculator and just layer it with the knowledge you taught, for reading charts, just like you've mentioned in your recent YT video...thanks for making the time for that btw, really appreciated it !
