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Impact of ownership on the owner? Ownership and it´s actual user as an important factor?

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In an attempt to find additional information, can influencing factors be found in the case of real estate owned by a person if he has several apartments as homes and decides to rent out one of them for a very long time and to one and only permanent tenant?

Sometimes it seems that in such a case, the life of the apartment owner seems to have some influence on the long-term tenants who live in his previous home, which still belongs to the owner.

How much can the use of another person's very important property be influenced by another person  and over a very many years?

If a person initially has two homes and someone starts living in one of them for many years, can that resident be an important expression of the owner's home themes and also, for example, of the Moon themes?

Can the user of the property be any significant source in predicting personal (individual) life of the owner of the property?

I have noticed that the energy and characteristics of the user of human property (especially for a long time) can be one of the influencing factors.



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I would look at the 6th house for anything tenants and influence it has around how they influence our life. I have Saturn transiting around my 6th cusp and it’s been a bit stressful around the properties I rent lately.

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Thank you for the answer. 6th house is really an area of ​​routine, responsibilities and also potential stress.

As for renting one's own home or one of own premises, for example, I have sometimes noticed that the characteristics of the tenant can also be reflected in a owner's own life and a bit like the tenant's natal chart.

I am thinking here of the tenant or someone living in the property, not just the potential liabilities or rental income issues. There seems to be a notable difference between a tenant and a tenant, because natal chart of tenant or role in the life of the owner (a long-time friend, acquaintance or just stranger).

The actual user of the property seems to have a fairly large impact.

It seems that when a person rents out his pleasant and soulful home, the tenant's energies tend to come into the themes of the Moon.

It is interesting how the tenant's natal chart lines, using astrocartography, can have a very strong effect on the owner's other home or important place.

In general, I am interested in the property as such, and if the property is used by someone else, what is the effect of the user on the actual owner.

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@ayan One of the reasons I brought up the 6th house, it's because it's the hard work we have to put out to take care of the things we love and created, it's changing the dirty diaper (6th house) of our child (5th house). So, I think it highly depends on the property itself, and as you hinted. Am probably more affected when it's my "home" I rent out than when it's a place I've never been personally invested. I've never analyzed a tenant's chart though so I can't really speak from experience re: Moon and lines.

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I have been thinking on similar lines. Not really about tenant and landlord, but about ownership. Energies come together in an effort to create a balance. Sometimes, both create a balance within themselves to create a balance in the combination. Sometimes, the onus falls on one party to create the balance, so that it creates harmony and that balance flows into the other party if they are not capable of achieving it themselves. Sometimes, the energies don’t match anymore and they separate.

I haven’t finished my thinking process yet.

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I am trying to understand what you mean by the following sentence. Could you expand on it, please, especially about the ‘coming into the themes of the Moon’ part.

Posted by: @ayan

It seems that when a person rents out his pleasant and soulful home, the tenant's energies tend to come into the themes of the Moon.

Since ownership lies with the owner, I wonder if instead of the tenant’s energies have an effect on the owner, the owner draws towards him a tenant that matches his energy at that particular time. To make it more complicated, I guess we could also take into account the energies of the house and land itself, and what is happening to it and how it interacts with both the owner and the tenant.

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Very permanent in nature, especially those with a long history, such as (old) houses, are certainly highly inert and carry history, including the energies of the owners. I think the effect is somewhat reciprocal. I once talked to one of the tenants of the apartments and he said that even the tenants are a bit similar in their own way.

I have even noticed that when you buy a used car from a person with good energy, the car also carries it all in some way. True, cars tend to take over the energy of the current owner. The errors and defects that occur are often characteristic of the condition of the current owner.

At a young age, I bought an old car from an older man who had very good business luck. When I started selling this car later, it was bought in minutes, which came as a surprise.

As far as real estate is concerned, I know of an unusual number of cases in which the long-time owner, whose property belonged to the family for a very long time, began to have anomalies, sometimes even accidents, after the sale. Perhaps the will and wishes of the former owners wanted further realization, and the sale created an obstacle for them.

Dead people, including the ancestral natal chart, work even after death, I have checked it very often.

So it is with people, they may think that their will and their life, but nothing is inevitable, the will of their ancestors will shine. If ignored, in some cases there are difficulties in life. All the more so because the relatives of the natal chart are often in their own way similar and important connections.

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I understand what you mean by energies being tied to things. I know we think about us in the first person and what we can and should do. But I am wondering if we, in fact, are custodians and what we do is part of protection to help the inert objects fulfill their destiny. I wonder if as sentient beings we are in charge of helping them change their energies, or express themselves in certain ways. Perhaps, this is the true Capricornian responsibility that comes into effect in the outer world.
