I´m looking at a woman´s chart having Neptune in the 4th house. So: lack of inner security, emotional emptiness. (She was born early in the 8th month and had a sister when she was just a year old, so lack of mother for sure.)
Q: Do we give a woman with Neptune in the 4th the advice to go to her masculine side, to the 10th house, for to work it out? It seems to be the opposite advice that one would give to most women; no true fulfillment coming from their masculine side.
She´s a little too young for us to say for sure, but there seems to be a homosexual tendency too, for sure. Although I´m not sure that it has anything to do with the whole thing, really.
Neptune in the 4th is the foundation of the home ,or under the house bugs water pipes molds ,remodel a lot , travel a lot , Can you tell me in what sign and degrees ,is it friendly house? it is Pisces energy sliperyslope, abuse in the home or drudgery illusion, right side of the home basements ,or traveling nurse there kids could be self educated or home schooled ,institutions .separations in the family. sorry if i miss spelled .i hope this helps Blessings