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Parashari House lordship and Dirishti

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Dear @ernst

When Parashara mentions Shubha and Ashubha Lords for each lagna dose their influence also transfer through dirishti or avashtas, For example:

In Leo lagna we have the Sun starved in the sixth house in Capricorn and we have Saturn exalted aspecting the Sun with 45 virupas. The Sun is the self esteem of Leo which is already low because it's starved. now Saturn being so powerful by itself is not good for Leo because relations and competition and debts caused by relations gets strong as mentioned in the first rashi sutra course.

Can Saturn agitating the Sun through planetary dirishti increase the problem and show that self esteem is lost to the need for relations and competition or Karmik debts?


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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

The starving planet's influence can alwasy be considered in why the planet is starved, so yes, for leo saturn starving sun can show that the person experiences a lot of their starvation from 6th and 7th house things. 
