Saturn on the Asc, ...
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Saturn on the Asc, Rape?

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What degree is her Ascendant and What degree is Saturn at?

On the first girl I talked about and I know best she has Saturn not close to Ascendant degree, at 20° from ASC, and Rahu is there also at 2° from her ascendant degree. Which is why I think she may has less problematic health issues but still there are some issues for sure, but I think it's mainly due to her D30 ascendant lord which is mars and DB in cancer. She has very bad eyesight, difficulty to use that mars for moving, she stumbles a lot and doesn't have enough strength to do daily task easily.

Saturn is also the 8th lord, but not the 7th. But Mars is in the 7th with a strong aspect on Saturn.

Her first rape experience happened in the Mars/Saturn dasha. Mars is lord of the 6th and 11th.

Venus is also in the 8th, and DB in D9. I have seen on internet, and even on Kala a disease yoga that Venus in the 8th or 6th can create disease in the sexual part. I'm applying that broadly as a probability of rape also. Also the 3 women I talked earlyier all have their Venus in either 6th or 8th.

On the first girl I talked about she had multiple Rape experience from a family member from 5 to 15, also another one at 16 with another family member. The family didn't protect her at all, I met them, saw their chart most are aloof, the father has moon with Rahu in the 8th, the mother isn't better, I never met a family so careless and selfish, they are mostly pretending to be kind but are always trying to gain everything, even from their own daughter, a very unhealthy environment. The father didn't even react when he learn that his daughter was raped, at least I didn't see any reaction. They just laugh if off mostly, and the mother was raped recently also when she tried to divorce, she met another guy, the guy has Saturn Rahu in the 4th, he is in prison right now.

Since the daughter has Rahu and Saturn in the first in Gemini, that Saturn and Rahu are also influencing her 4th house in virgo. Which is why I think her home environment is so afflicted, she was thrown out of her home recently, and was living with friends she met on the rode. All that with a 1 year baby that she had with her previous boyfriend that she left because he beat her. So on her own on the street. Her father just pretending that she can come home but not really, that moon with Rahu is tricky, he doesn't want her home and do everything to make her go crazy with manipulation. And her Mom doesn't support her either, even if the daughter help her when she was being raped with the other guy.

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Uf, this case you talk about is so hurts to hear. I guess a lot has to do with the combination Saturn Rahu, this one so close to the ASC degree.
My case, Saturn is 27º, and ASC 21º (maybe 1 or 2 degrees lower or higher).
But one similarity is the eyesight. 
My friend was born in Mercury Dasa, her AK. Mercury is in 9th Virgo in D-9. In 7th (with Ve) in Aquarius in D-1. And all her childhood many health issues. Mars in 12th Ge D-1 and Su in 8th Aq. By degree they don't aspect Sa, but Sun does Rasi aspect.
From 11 to 18 years old comes Ketu Dasa. It continued to be not good for her health. She lost her Left eye view, very strange illness, the tissue of the eyelid started to grow connected to the eyeball. As a result the eye is closed since she is 16. Doctors had no idea what to do. Most doctors were only able to scare her. After some years she gave up to ask them. She does normal life, but only one eye. She is now 47, she has many health issues all the time, but not so serious as in her early years, just all the time, allergy, itching, migraines...etc, one finishes the next starts, but she has a normal life, a good work, enjoying social life, travels...
About the D-30 I don't know what to look at (Yet I haven't study the vargas course) Ve DB in 3rd, Ju DB in 7th, Su EX in 10th, Me (N) in 8th Aq with Ra and Ke. Lagna Lord Moon in 7th Cap with Ju and Sa. 
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Yes also the allergy, the itching every time her body overheat from activity, she can't dance more than 10mins without having any rash. it's not always there though the first month I met her she didn't have it. But she often get sicks mostly due to indulgence, doesn't eat or drink properly. Once we had to go to the hospital because she had pain all over her body, and it was because she didn't drink enough water, which we had told her to do. It took 4 doctors to understand she just lacked water, they are so bad at what they do.

She didn't lose any eyes but her eyesight is very very bad, she is almost blind without glasses.

In the graha sutra audio course Ernst talk about the D30, it's basically a chart for health, or a 2nd D1 as he says you can look at it like the D1. Also in the astrological nutrition and health he talks about it. But just with the Graha Sutra audio you can start using it. Each planet represent a body part, so  if that planet is weak in the D30 chart there is a high probability that this body part is weak. There is a lot in the Graha Sutra course, every time I read the book and listen to the audio I learn something new that I didn't understand the first time or that I didn't remember or didn't know how to use at the time.

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I'm very happy you say "indulgence" because it's a word kept aloof from my thinking map, and suddenly I see it can show me new routes. It applies well to my case. Would u connect "indulgence" to their Saturn?
My friend doesn't eat well, she eats too much, overweight.
Also very interesting your "itching...rashes so sudden by overheat the body...this pain all over by not drinking...". They make me think of dysfunction in the nervous system. Similarities to my friend's case.
In general she feels soon too hot, that is common when overweight I think, but the strange thing is that she has very sudden, quick and extreme changes between hot and cold. And she cannot stand it, urgently she has to fix it.
The feeling of hot and cold is done by specialised neurons, the ones that feel cold, only do that, the ones who feel hot, only feel hot...  
I am a Feldenkrais therapist. So I work with the nervous system through movement.
Treating my friend I noticed immediately her nervous system reacts in a very unusual way. We have done between 15-20 sessions. At the beginning there was a period where minimal manipulations provoked itching. Once it was a lateral bending of her wrist, just one millimeter and she gets itching. So I have to stop, try it again later, because I see something important is happening there...And again and again the same response. Soon the itching could spread all over in a split of a second. There were many movements provoking itching, but that reaction with the wrist was astonishing... Very likely her movement patterns are strongly fixed, so stiff that when I propose a minute movement, even though it's available to her body, it responds with a very disproportionate and chaotic refusal.
I have seen nevertheless that after so many treatments her nervous system is reducing the weird behaviours. That's encouraging.
What you describe makes me think of strange nervous reactions.
Sure, there is much more, in fact the nervous system is somehow connecting everything...
Thanks for the info, I have to study the courses about health...
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It's maybe a french word that means more to me than to the English speaker. I think Ernst described Saturn as indolent. So Saturn on the Ascendant makes someones lazy.

One thing I remember from Jaimini is Affliction to Gemini and Virgo can cause problems to the skin. She has Saturn and Rahu in Gemini. Mercury is supposed to be the skin, related to protein production, so that would make sense.

I didn't analyze what cause her itching exactly, as far as I can tell it was related to heat. But the first time it happened she probably went from cold to hot very fast, as we where camping in the mountain, it was cold, and it happened while in the tent during sexual intercourse. It never happened before as far I could tell.  She was also quite anxious that day as she couldn't get a home to settle for her child.

My other friend who has Saturn on AQ on Asc, also has a strange relationship with hot and cold. But she has a better ability to deal with it since her Saturn is strong. Sometimes I'm surprised about what she can do, jump in cold water and it doesn't affect her, while I wouldn't to not get sick. Also she heals quite fast, but her body temperature stay lows as she told me, and she often lose her voice and or get sick due to that. But it's quite strange as she also has a lot of strength to heal fast.

There was another girl though I met a long time ago at a dance class, and she had Saturn on the her Asc. 4/2/1995 04:52:00 French Polynesia Sainte Amelie

She was very indolent according to her sister and I could see it while dancing with her. She was quite pretty, but was not in a good mood most of the time. She didn't believe in her self. And her sister drag her along with her, she didn't want to come at the class. Her sister was complaining about her not having any goals in life. She was depressed and had a lot of problems, she was a mess according to her sister.

And most importantly she had problems with hot and cold, while dancing with her I noticed her skin was cold "vampire like". But she also was sweating heavily just after a few dance, it was a moist sensation and she was still cold but sweating at the same time. She told me she couldn't handle temperature change. I noticed it was quite intense and that she couldn't support temperature change at all. She was a very scared shy person, very unlike a Sun in Aries person, but her sun is quite close to ketu so maybe that's not just Saturn on Asc.

 But someone wouldn't expect that with so many planet exalted or MT, Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter. Saturn is DB in D30 though, maybe that's why her health problem were more apparent.

But that issue with sweating, it makes me think of a friend, who doesn't have Saturn in Asc but rahu. Saturn and Jupiter are DB in D30. This guy sweats so much it's like a disease almost, you can't touch his hands without getting your hands wet. 

But about the overweight, that is probably Saturn affecting Cancer, Ernst said overweight issues  are due to  Saturn influence on the Moon.



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Thank you very much,
My friend also can sweat being cold. Again the skin, its breathing function and temperature regulation impaired.
The chart of this Polynesian girl is strikingly similar to my mother's!
Ju in Sag, Venus and Sat in Pisces, Sun in Aries
and good dignity Moon conjunct Ketu! girl in Taurus, mother in Cancer.
Also fiery Mars, girl in Leo, mother in Aries...
only differing Mercury, girl in Aries, mother in Pisces. 
My mother Lagna I don't know, but she loves order and is a very disciplined person.
I guess the mess of the girl comes mostly from Pisces Lagna. Also not having goals, shy is also pile up by Pisces.
My mother is also very shy, extremely when she was young.
And quite Saturnian, tends to focus on flaws, fears that things will go wrong...this is very pronounced. But on the other hand she is very strong so she doesn't go into depression. She really suffers, but she bears it.
Moon conjunct Ketu, her mother died when she was 5. But as Moon in good dignity, an ant without children adopted her, and she grew up feeling very loved and cared, as she says. She doesn't remember her mother. And she misses her step-mother a lot.
Her Aries Sun is not at all arrogant, rather humble and she tends to diminish herself rather than shine, in social interactions. She is also willing to sacrifice herself, if that is her choice, that's fine. And she will confidently and sincerely praise others, what makes them feel good. 
And when it comes to her ruling herself (in the little daily actions) she is unshakeable (Mars-Sun?).
But nothing out of the ordinary, a simple person.
Ernst Wilhelm
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Look for afflictions to 8th, particularly saturn or rahu ,AND planets on square from each other that involve the 8th lord or the planet in 8th, or the 7th lord is involved via conjunction or square. 


For instance a woman with saturn and rahu in 8th with moon squaring 7th lord was molested as a child and as a 15 year old. 

Ernst Wilhelm
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see what planets are on tight square aspects from each other, espcially saturn and see how those can trigger rape, look at the houses they rule. 

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