In one chart of a woman who said she was raped, she has Saturn tight square within 2 degree of the Sun, with mars conjunct the Sun also squaring Saturn. Sun lord of the 7th, Saturn lord of the First on the Lagna. While the Sun on the 10th. Would you say it would happen during Saturn/Mars Dasha, if they are the planets that could trigger rape in this case?
Using your Snapshot vimshotari technique, at the start of the Mars/Saturn Dahsa, Venus and mars was transiting Saturn, while Saturn was in Aries in her 3rd house.
yes, so we have a square between 7th lord, it also involves the lagna lord and mars, so yes, that's the rape. Take the degrees from exact and at that age, one degree per year, it can activate, or at 12 years per degree it can activate. Sometimes this will give the age of the stress induction that the square indicates.