Scientific Basis fo...
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Scientific Basis for Human Design

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Posts: 635
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Noble Member
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Ernst, 

I have watched your video on Vedic Astrology & Human Design. You mentioned how it interlinks the astrology with the I'Ching. 

Can you explain how they interlink here and what the I'Ching is calculated from? It is a non horoscopic form of astrology right?

I have had a HD reading before, it was very helpful and brings a core foundation to how I operate for sure. 

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

With Human design the circle of the ecliptic is divided into 64 parts with each part being an iching hexagram. Each of these 64 parts is divided into another 6 parts for the six lines of the hexagram. 

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Posts: 635


What about the I'Ching without HD? What is that calculated from? Since I don't think it is horoscopic. 

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Posts: 155


Here is a really good write up on the Iching. 


"To support absolutism, Han commentators transformed the Yijing into a cosmological manual reflecting the ebb and flow of cosmic forces. They earnestly reorganized the hexagram sequence to match the cosmic rhythm, demonstrating that the natural and human realms are one and the same."


What is really interesting too, is the genetic code contains 64 possible combinations, and has actually been related to the I-ching quite in depth, as some have said the code was contained in the I-Ching.

"the credit for presenting for the first time the full Fu-Xi (Fu Hsi) genetic code pattern of 8x8=64 hexagrams made by 0’s and 1’s based on the ancient Chinese ‘Book of Changes’ (I Ching), combined with our current knowledge of molecular biology, was Stent (1969), followed by Schonberger (1992)Yan (1993)Walter (1996)Petoukhov (1999), and most recently, Sepulveda-Lopez (2008), among others; having each small differences in reasoning, and/or in the coupling of nucleotides to the Chinese binary symbols, assigning the 0 for the broken horizontal line, and the 1 for the continuous horizontal line (Leibnitz, 1703)"


64 is such a cool number too:

A chess board 64 squares

64 yoginis

64 bit processing 

and Nintendo 64 lol


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

iching is symbology based on the growth and change of yin and yang. 
