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Sri Durga

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I don´t find any category in which this inquiery naturally fits, so I decided to categorize it as developmental astrology. Althoug it´s not even astrology. 

I have an altar in front of which I pray and chant every day. A few months ago I put an icon of Sri Durga on it. I asked her specially to look after my daughter, but I also ask her for healing and blessing, also protection, myself.

I wonder if there is someone on the forum having a special relation to Sri Durga and what you might tell us about that.


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I chant Durga 108 names for 4 months every day for now. I noticed that I have more ideas and thoughts and also more willpower to aspirate solutions for all kind of problems and questions. I think that it´s not "placebo", it´s a real thing.

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@ayan Chants are magical, I know that for sure. 

(It could also be that "placebo" is a real thing...)

Are those chants available on the internet, do you know?


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@staffan I have used a list found on the internet. If someone knows if the names must necessarily be in an exact order, it would be good to know.


I chant in Eastern direction.

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I actually do, but not in the way of an altar. I seem to have something going on with lord ganesha and durga ma haha (ma/mata is mother in hindi). But obviously it is possible (and true in my case) at different times, we are drawn to different avatars of god. 

Durga mata's vehicle is depicted usually as a lion or a tiger. For me, I had a keychain with a lion's head, it was lost, and recently I found it on my table. I just started Rahu sub-dasha and goddess durgi is considered diety of Rahu. Within a week of starting the sub-dasha, I saw a female lion (an unexpected visit to a sanctuary that was completely unplanned!). I have Rahu with Moon and Moon in dhanishta nakshatra (yoni female lion). 

Perhaps the most scientific method is the Jaimini diety - checking 6th from AmK in D-30 and D-1. D-1 has Rahu there, and the diety of Rahu is goddess Durgi. 

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@jam1 Wow... That´s the kind of experience and thoughts that I was hoping for. Interesting! Cool!

I checked my D-30 and indeed, I have Rahu 6 from my AmK. 😮 

Oh, by the way, the white tiger showed up in my life a while ago. Like not diectly related to Durga, but separately.


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Hey, I had an altar with Sri Durga and all kinds of yantras, powders, mala, rudraksha. But, before leaving my country of origin I packed it all up in a box and exchanged it with someone very deserving. 6th from my AmK is Gauri (Moon with Ketu in D1), and Lakshmi (Venus d30). The most interesting thing I encountered though was the Soundarya Lahari, what a beautifully mysterious and magical text. It would just blow my mind. 

Since I came to Thailand there are still some statues of Sri Durga over here, but my Girlfriend's mother gave me a magical amulet with Phra Rahu, and there are some temples here with Rahu Statues. Typically the Statues show Rahu holding or swallowing the sun (just like my amulet). Some of them are really big and black and badass looking with strings attached to it all, kind of like a Thai way of doing magical circles etc... Also when you make offerings to Rahu you do it with black things. It isn't necessarily black magic, its just what is associated with Rahu, although I am told that some use black stuff for black magic. I remember using black flowers for Rahu at the temple I felt like a total badass. 

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@codydeboer I don´t know anything about the Durga cult, but I recommend you to be careful working with dark energy. I´ve seen too many examples of light worker who believes they can flirt with the dark side, not understanding that you it´s not possible to work on both sides. With that said, in the traditions that we are following, the Lakota and Maya traditions mostly, there is a place for black. It´s present in the medicine wheel of the Lakota in which it represents the West. We use black candles when we want to cut negative energy. When we work against dark witchcraft. 



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@staffan Yes, in mainstream Thai temples, praying to Phra Rahu and using black flowers/candles/food is more so to remove dark energy and bad luck etc... 

I think also intention is important as well. 

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@codydeboer Black against black magic, yes! That´s something else than asking for favors in a sneaky way. Has to be done with a great deal of conscious though. As you say: the intention.


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@codydeboer This is gonna tell just how little I actually know about Durga - I just know intuitively that she´s there for me.

She´s an aspect or an avatar of Sri Lakshmi, right? And Lakshmi is devoted to Vishnu.

I´m listening to the PAC course right now and what Ernst says about Mercury saving the day, and moreover: "Rahu is the reason why Mercury exists!" - something along those lines.

So Sri Durga/Lakshmi makes the connection between Mercury - the experimenter, the improver - and Rahu, the very thing that we are here to develop, the place where we need deeper connection to ourselves.

No wonder she showed up in my life this year. My nodal return is around the corner...

For no obvious reason I have delved in my low Dig Bala Mercury... Wow...!


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@staffan Well the way I understood it is Sri Durga is more specifically the warrior goddess form of Parvati, so Parvati/Shiva. Although all the goddess's Lakshmi/Parvati/Saraswati are a form of the supreme Adi Parashakti. 

And about the low Dig Bala Mercury, I remember Ernst saying that working on and solving your North Node solves all the other issues in your chart. 



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@codydeboer OK, read somewhere that Sri Durga is a manifestation of Sri Lakshmi, but maybe not then. Still very true that Mercury helps out the Rahu position.

This is my chance... Nodal return on November 2.


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@staffan Actually I think you are right as well... Sometimes I have been so confused with all the goddess different forms because some texts say one thing, one say another. Its kind of all over the place, lol, look:   "Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Parvati are typically conceptualized as distinct in most of India, but in states such as West Bengal and Odisha, they are regionally believed to be forms of Durga.[86] In Hindu Bengali culture, Lakshmi, along with Saraswati, are seen as the daughters of Durga. They are worshipped during Durga Puja.[87]"

But I guess its hard to articulate and conceptualize something so beyond the human realm. And good luck with your return, keep us posted. 
