Jupiter in Capricor...
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Jupiter in Capricorn

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5 Users
Posts: 46
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(@Anonymous 35065)
Joined: 5 months ago

Hello! I am trying to find a crystal for Jupiter in Capricorn for my dasha. In the Gems course is recommended rainbow jade but what I bought as rainbow jade is actually dyed jade and I have asked 3 geologists at a crystal fare it and they seemed surprised and had never seen multicolored jade. I wonder if I could replace it with some other crystal. Thank you! 

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3546
Joined: 12 years ago

its very hard to find. I picked up a few pieces by a friend in Taiwan. I do not know of another option. Multi colored stones are always difficult to find.

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(@Anonymous 35065)
Joined: 5 months ago

Posts: 46

@ernst thank you for confirming it's so rare, do you think it's a good idea to wear a crystal for Jupiter in Sagittarius (mulatrikona) or Cancer (exaltation)? Or for the Moon that is conjunct Jupiter in my Rasi chart? Thank you!

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Sorry to deviate, but what is the course called? I've tried to search for it earlier, but never found it

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3546
Joined: 12 years ago

Its the gems, jyotish and minerals course found under the Audio Courses section. 

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I chip in with an additional question. After all Jupiter is DB in capricorn. @ernst My wife´s lagna lord Venus is agitated in capricorn, causing stress that has led her to develop lupus (Mo/Ra in her lagna).

Is it recommendable to put Jupiter in capricorn (she has recently made a bracelet with multicolored jade) for to strengthen that sign and the planets in it, in this case especially Venus? My guess is that it´s better to find better options, like a clear stone for Venus in it´s exaltation sign.

And in the questioners case, wouldn´t it be better to find another option that doesn´t put Jupiter in it´s DB sign?

So the general question would be: Should we avoid to choose gems for planets in the sign in which they are DB?


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Have you had good luck with using gemstones for astro remedies?


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@scott-m-19 I have just reccently started so I can´t say that, really.


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I was given a yellow sapphire ring of a 3.6 carat sapphire. I definitely feel its rejuvenating effects on me as I am Leo Lagna. The gold ring helps too. I am in my Ve period now and have Ve in Leo D9. 

I was not recommended to wear one by traditional jyotishis. They all recommended a pearl because I am sidereal Ca rising and Scorpio Mo sidereally. But, I never found it helpful. I am quite sensitive to stones and crystals. 

I converted to tropical...

