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Know gem specialist?

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I would imagine you could easily combine gemology with herbology, but with an astrological twist, well that leaves me curious if there is a good science for it. In particular with someones rashi natal I would be curious to see. 


Well bump, given how complicated this is, along with its relation to medical and other astrology aspects, I am curious if anyone actually specializes in this.

This said, can anyone go into detail as to why gems that are in the 8th, 6th or 12 from their planetary positions in their natal chart have bad effects? I can see why in particular with ones 12th, thought I am interested in input on this.

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Posts: 93
(@Anonymous 21669)
Joined: 4 years ago

Hello @uunarim I'm still very much a student. But I believe gems are ruled by Mars things of the earth and herbology would be be a Mercury/Ketu combo. So you would need those 3 as career influence if that is the goal.  However, bhavas and the signs, rulership DOES matter because that combo could also make someone a real estate sales person ???? 


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Can you recommend literature to read on this? To my understanding, certain planets and houses and signs equate to gems, however I am not sure.



(@Anonymous 21669)
Joined: 4 years ago

Posts: 93

@uunarim Ernst has a course

I believe some of the information in this course was updated, maybe colors, there is a gem table/manual for the lessons.  Also, I believe Ryan Kurczak on his youtube channel (Asheville Vedic Astrology) may have some information.  

As far as the combination for being a "healer" definitely is one of the skills taught in Jaimini course. Moon/Mercury/Ketu associated with 6th house is a natural healer vs allopathic.  Hope that helps, sorry for the late reply was off grid for awhile.

