Finding a key
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Finding a key

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Hi guys, I'm wondering if the omen-interpreters in this group think there's anything behind this little vignette that happened today.  It kind of blew my mind.

I just broke up with my guy of two years at the beginning of July.  He's super great, but just doesn't really want to be part of society.  He dresses funny, and generally enjoys being on the fringe.  I like participating in society, so different values, different paths.  However, we still have a huge garden together at a farm outside the city so we still hang out on Saturdays to go tend it, then we have to wash, chop and bag everything.

Today we had a ton of greens to wash so I wanted to get out my huge bowl out of storage.  I keep it in my late grandmother's old-timey trunk because it reminds me of her so much.  However, it requires a key to get into, and I always keep my key in a certain drawer, but I couldn't find it.  The more I looked through my drawers, the more concerned I got.  I just moved in April and I knew I would've put it in a safe place during the move, but then I would've thought that upon unpacking, I would've put it back in the exact same place as before.  I'm pretty good at labelling and being consistent to make up for a rusty 40-year old memory, so this was concerning.

My boyfriend had actually helped me move, and he carries a notepad with him everywhere, and apparently when I packed my keys, I must've told him where I was putting them because he actually WROTE IT DOWN ON HIS NOTEPAD.  And maybe I kind of half-jokingly said, "remember where I'm putting these!".  But he's the type of guy to take that injunction seriously and actually wrote it in his notepad.  

So tonight, five months after my move, I'm stressing about my lost keys, and I tell him I'm concerned, and he starts flipping through his trusty notepad, and after about a minute of searching, reads aloud, "blue cheque bag".  I'm like, "what?". He's like "yeah apparently you put them in a blue cheque bag...?" And i clue in and race to find my blue bag where I keep my cheques.  

Honestly I think it would've taken a year to find them there, I don't know what I was thinking, storing them in there.  

I was like "WTF, how random is this, that you're at my house when I need the key?". And he added that that was the only thing he wrote down from.the move.  And even then, the fact that he remembered that he wrote it down in the first place, I just can't get over how random that moment was.

Anyway, I opened up the trunk and got out the bowl and then saw what was underneath: baby clothes from about five years ago when I thought I was pregnant and was buying clothes in advance.  I wasn't pregnant after all and although I've always been pretty ambivalent about having kids, it was still a kick in the gut to see them in there tonight.  I got a little emotional but tried not to think about it too much.

Does this mean anything?  I wouldn't know where to start interpreting this or if this even qualifies as an omen.  I know I had a dream about children last night, but I don't remember what it was about.  I used to work at an elementary school and I think I dreamt about those kids.

Gracias for all the help everyone!  And thanks for reading.

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Well, congrats!...looks like you're feeling Venus's current transit. For a while now, with Venus and Rahu in Gemini and summer eclipses, heard about a lot of couples separating and then getting back together and then separating again. Venus just changed signs and left Rahu behind for now, so until early October when it moves into Virgo in DB and the nodes will both influence the planet of relationships again, maybe things are going to get less confusing for you and your ex in this period till Oct, and for all couples that went thru ups and downs in recent months.

As far as omens, it sounds like Mercury is involved with the bowl and the notepad, so I would take it in my own life as a time to reconsider/reasses possibilities. You had greens to wash, also Mercury. The drawers, the trunk ...these are again places that hold things, Mercury.

Also, you have the water element (women related - grandma, motherhood, connectivity, relationships- so Moon and/or Venus) rinsing greens, growing a garden with your ex, he's there at the right time, pulling something from the past, a note that helps you unlock something, then you find baby clothes that you clearly kept there because you subconciously needed a reminder of what's important, though your mind seems to downplay the events from 5 months ago.

So my take on your omens, cause there are a lot of things happening at the same time, is to reevaluate something old (relationship), you obviously are able to grow a garden together, so co-creating isn't too far off. Even if children or getting back together is not something you would be interested in, or not with your ex, it sounds like you are receiving messages to reevaluate, rethink and reconnect with something/someone from the past, and he is right there with you. 

Venus is going to be in Punarvasu Nakshatra soon, so that could have connotations about past relationships getting a re-do, followed by Pusya Nakshatra that I would look at as fertile time to grow things. Those are of course general transits, you'd probably need to look at your own transits and see what and if anything gets activated, or if that would even align with your desires...but your omens are all about Venus, Moon, Mercury, past, and growing something.

As far as your ex, and the fact that you have different paths, with him being less social, that shouldn't be a deal breaker if your individual relationship capacities are good, and if there is good compatibility. I think Ernst has all those reports available here (hope it's ok I share, Ernst!)

If the relationship with your ex is done and over and he is not a possibility anymore, then I would still take these omens for you as a time to reconsider, maybe be open to a new relationship. Uranus is going Retro in a few days too, in a sign ruled by Venus 😉

You tend to your garden on Saturdays, so that means your relationship can endure the hard work and responsibility that comes with a family...ok, I am done rumbling ...these things may be off, but they just came to me so I shared.

Good luck with everything. I am sure you'll get more awesome takes on the omens.



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@mirela thanks so much Mirela.  Ok I'll look into these nakshatras, and I'm curious about what Uranus does in a Venusian sign...  you're implying that it could bring sudden changes in love relationships?

And yes I did the vault of the heavens report.  We're compatible, except for the fact that his way of dress/personal care embarasses me in public and I just can't.  I hmmed and hawed for two years about this-- can I be with an otherwise smart, funny, and caring guy who doesn't shower and looks like he lives under a bridge?  Finally I decided the answer is no.

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@mirela Seems like a very accurate reading to me!

And no Field, without knowing neither you nor your boyfriend, but still: you don´t break up from a good gardener for the reason you let us know... 😉


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Sorry and Mercury is to reassess?  That is interesting, hadn't heard that before.

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@field well yeah Mercury finds best possibilities, plus something from the past in the omens, so reassess maybe...Venus is the Lord of Uranus in Cards of Truth, using same lordship, Uranus falls on the Venus card and since Venus is the general karaka for relationships and Uranus is the creative force of a Jack, if the omens happened to me, I would look at it as all the possibilities I described above. That is without looking at your personal chart. These omens may mean something completely different to you, so it's always best to go with your gut feeling since you know your life best...thanks for sharing!

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Growing, tidying up, rinsing away, a search for something old that is lost in order to find something that is new, a something new that hides away in something old like the Russian nesting dolls, and cheques not cashed. All this just to lead you to the baby clothes, along with the dream about children yesterday night. It might be time to look at the reason for being ambivalent about having kids and resolve it one way or the other to be able to move forward. Sometimes we think it is better to distance ourselves to get on with life, but usually that is the worst thing we can do to ourselves. This might be the right time to allow the emotions to well up and be released. The upcoming energies triggering your chart might be conducive, and it is giving a heads-up ahead of time.

Nothing in universe is random. There is always a flow.

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Thanks Manisha, yes I also thought Saturn might be in the mix.  I bought the bowl at an antique store, it was stored in an old trunk, cheques...nobody uses cheques anymore (an antiquated way of paying), and my guy is an old man in a relatively young man's body lol.

I will try to be open about the exploration around children.  Thanks.

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A missing key to open a lock was found, and old forgotten items were discovered. That is an omen in itself about you being able to unearth what is holding you back in different spheres of life. Children is not just children - it is Jupiter and our creative abilities.

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