Mirror Falling And ...
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Mirror Falling And Breaking Again

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Any Vedic or Hindu lore on a face mirror falling and breaking?

A year and a half ago, my mother held up her small face mirror and half of it suddenly fell out onto the floor and broke. Nothing significantly new happened since then that I could relate to that omen. And she had another one that she has been using up till now.

But this time the whole mirror fell and broke completely so she has to buy a new one. It fell when reaching for something that was draped over it, not knowing it was underneath, so it slid off.

We share the same Moon sign and I'm the only other one who heard the mirror fall and break. The moon was transiting the opposite sign to our placement ("mirror rashi" ? haha) and was mulatrikona.

But of course it was also transiting Mars, Rahu, and Uranus.

Sag. (my asc.) was rising tropically along with Mula nakshatra (sidereal nakshatara)



3 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

no, nothing in the old books on mirror omen. Mirrors were rare in ancient times and made of solid silver so breaking them just didn't happen. When Srishti was pregnant with the kids, one night she went into labor about 3 weeks early

I put her in the van and pulled out of the garage and hit the mirror on the edge of the garage as i pulled out. I thought, ugg, not a good omen on the way to the birthing center! when we got there they said both girls were breech and they had to do a c section. One of my girls was so small, she had to stay in the birthing center for 11 days which broke our hearts. Identical twins are called mirror image twins, one twin came home, the other one, the one symbolized by the broken mirror, didnt come home. so sometimes, you have to  think deeply on what a broken mirror means, but it always means, a break in a reflection. Twins are mirror images with one a reflection of the other in REVERSE, so if one has their hair spiralling to the right, the other has it to the left, just as if you looked in a mirror. One has navel turnign to the righ t, the other to the left, nose to the left, nose to the right, etc. 

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Ernst Wilhelm
Joined: 12 years ago

Posts: 3502

I did not finish that, so to finish: A reflection is always in reverse. That is why when we talk about other people as our mirrors, it's not an exact mirror, its somehow in reverse so it can be harder to see what we are meant to learn. but her mirror broke, so something in her life that is mirroring her, is changing or there is an internal shift that will break or change some symbolic mirror in her life. 

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Thanks for the explanation. Some good things to "reflect" on. ???? 

I think in this case it may have to do with the decline of my dad(her spouse) who has parkinson's.

Along with her Moon, her lagna is Sco., but my dad's lagna is Tau, the opposite sign, where Mars, Ra, and Ur have been lately. As I said this happened when the Moon was passing by there as well.

Also her natal Ketu is in Sco. and Rahu in Tau, so right now is her Ra/Ke return.

It could also have to do with loosing weight and giving up ice cream, which she has just recently decided to do. Moon passing through Taurus is an ice cream transit and Mars is "won't power", Uranus is revolutionary changes, and Taurus is the mouth and eating. 

And it may have to do with improving her own health as my dad's health declines.

Also her Sun is in Leo but my Dad's Moon (mirror) is in Leo. It is almost her Solar return now.

