Stranded in Nubian ...
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Stranded in Nubian Desert

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I was part of a tour group traveling in Egypt and we were in the south part of the country heading to Abu Simbel in the Nubian Desert. During our bus drive there (a four plus hour one way drive), we stopped at a 'coffee stop' that had snacks and bathrooms. There were dogs and stray dogs around. At one point, maybe about 6 or so dogs started having a loud confrontation. I didn't see everything, but saw two dogs running towards the scuffle that lasted about 10 seconds. Then some ran off and it was over. 

I told another person on our tour that would be considered an inauspicious omen according to prasna marga which states when proceeding on a journey, anything that is unpleasant would be considered more inauspicious. 

Once we got to Abu Simbel, we started to get overheated and some people were getting very uncomfortable. Then, on the way back, our bus had diesel fuel spilling all over the engine and it was getting too dangerous. We had to stop back again at that coffee stop in the 105 degree heat and were stuck there until we could get another bus. We couldn't use our bus anymore and had to have another bus come some 2 hours later or so. We were very fortunate to not have anything worse than that or have a breakdown even 1 mile from the coffee stop as it was a very desolate, hot desert...

But it was interesting to witness that dog scuffle and have the proceeding experience. 



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Late reaction, I haven´t visited the forum for a long time.

Those are the kind of experiences that we don´t want to have, but very much want to have had... I lived through an 8,4 degree earth quake once. An hour later an inmate from the local prison jumped out from the shadow under a tree in the middle of the night demanding me to give up my bike to him... The walls of the prison had come tumbling down during the quake... I couldn´t give it to him though since I had recently given it as a birthday present to my wife, her first bicycle... What am I trying to say? My playful Jupiter in the 5th house loves a good story... We don´t want the ordeal, but can you imagine getting hold and have nothing of the kind to tell your grandchildren? 😀

Now, as for the omen... I remember a late night under a full moon and a tarot reading session. The reader was commenting the Moon card that had just come up: "Here´s the Moon, it´s full, just like tonight." "Below it we see..." In that moment my dogs that had been playing in another part of the garden came running towards us and started a fight three feet from the reader, just to finish it within a few seconds and running away again. "Below it we see two fighting dogs he said, hehe, it happens all the time, what´s shown in the card often manifests in our reality while we are reading." Then he continued: "Below it, there is a Scorpion..." The client raised her hand, saying: "I don´t want to interrupt, but I need to say this: I´m a Scorpion!"

Just saying.

I remember another time, pondering over the yin and yang-symbol at a the terrazza of a coffe shop. Two stray dogs approached, one white with a black spot in his face and one black with a white spot more or less in the same place as I remember it. They started to smell each other´s butt forming a perfect Yin/Yang symbol... Did I mention that I have my Jupiter, but also Ketu in the 5th house? To me God is above all a humorist... I got the impression that he wasn´t overly impressed by our pondering.

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I recently gave a reading for someone. Where I live is a big view of a canyon and there is often rainbows when we have showers. A rainbow appeared within a minute or so before the reading and was on/off during the hour session with some double rainbows as well. 

I took as a positive omen for the woman I was reading for who was going through very difficult emotional healing. I felt it was a positive sign moving forward. I did not mention in the reading though, it was on zoom. 


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@scott-m-19 Can´t ask or a better omen I´d say.
