My coworker was telling me between engagement and the wedding, he was feeling uneasy about the eventual marriage....When the ring ceremony was happening his wife (the bride) couldn't fit the ring on his ring finger because he gained too much weight in-between engagement and the wedding ceremony. So, during the ceremony she placed the ring on his pinkie finger instead.
Well, they had a rough marriage that lasted 8 years....He said atleast it lasted longer than other family members who couldn't last beyond 5 years...
But interesting about the significance of the ring ceremony.
Yeah, so he was suppressing some emotional things before the ring ceremony and so gained weight due to emotions he did not want to deal with and eventually its those things that made the marriage end.
Just adding: The pinky finger represents, according to what I read online, intuition, intelligence and persuasion. I´m not sure what it means in relation to this omen, but maybe that was what helped him to get out off, although a little late, a not healthy relationship.
Just adding: The pinky finger represents, according to what I read online, intuition, intelligence and persuasion. I´m not sure what it means in relation to this omen, but maybe that was what helped him to get out off, although a little late, a not healthy relationship.