I travelled now twice to Brazil first time I went I saw someone dead on the Street in Rio de Janeiro it was traumatic death since there was blood around his head i did not see what happend police placed very small garbage bag over his head. other omens i noticed my airbnb was above large graveyard. And Very large swarm of crows circling over sugar loaf mountain when i visited (i have never seen this many at once)
group of vultures feasting on trash when i passed by.
also Health related issues like the flu, then yeast infection following a ear infection.
could it be saturn being activated during my recolation there?
second time in Brazil when leaving(Rio) in the AirPort I saw EMS giving a man CPR, and transporting hin away.
This seems to be a theme when travelling to Brazil. Which is interesting since Im considering moving there for 3 months.
And GO from there.
Insight is appriacted
Check what is happening with your relocation charts and saturn. Omens of death can be great omens as they indicate that something in you needs to die, however, when they are violent omens it means that part dying can be very intense and difficult.
Hello Ernst,
can you do re Location chart in Kala?? if possible how do you do it?
Does the location of saturn indicated what part needs to die ?
Death omens aren´t for the weak. By that I mean: consider that as an omen in itself, that the spirits consider you strong enough to being able to handle the message and the changes ahead.