Last seen: Feb 11, 2025
How interesting, I just finished character of yoga course again and I have this in yoga in my chart almost perfect by only one planet I was born at 1...
Hi i read through the thread do you also look at D7 chart what do you look for? out of curiosity You also mention sex with animals yogas found in ...
@ernst thank you taking the time to answer, do you know any astrologer doing birth rectification? regards diana
@staffan thank god for this community and like minded people. god is constantly giving us omens we just have to pay attention and not ignore it. I’...
Thank you! Something amazing happend today! So another door omen (3 pic of doors) on wall where I’m staying now. After purchasing some wind chimers an...
it’s 2 of diamonds I think why?
I figured out it’s electricity playing games with me. Which is funny because there has been scattered thunder and lightning for the last 2 days. when ...
Where to begin I’ve been staying in a place where there is strong smell of what I think is gas (like gas leak idk) tonight the key to the garage door ...
Hello, great insight from both and very true indeed. thank you Diana
Does the location of saturn indicated what part needs to die ?