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Birth time dilemma

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Dear Ernst and fellow students:

In the charts where the birth time is beautifully rounded off (like 8:00 or 11:30), it could be a possibly flawed birth time. What are some ways to test the accuracy of birth time - especially for newbies who do not have years of experience. Any suggestions / rapid rectification techniques that have worked for those just starting out to look at charts? Thanks kindly. 

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There is a course about that Suave. You find it under the advanced courses option.


Best regards


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@meyes - Indeed. I took that several months ago and I think its time for me to refresh....

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Hi Suave,

I’ve rectified my own birth time using Sahams in Varshaphala and double checking with trigger transits. Interestingly enough, it went from 4:20am to 4:30:50am which is odd but... That being said, it’s a hair pulling exercise and I don’t believe there is a quick way to rectify a birth time (at least with my level of experience). Are you asking because people ask you to rectify or because you have doubts when you see a “rounded” time? If not specifically ask, I would roll with what you have and be cautious with the higher Vargas. Also, check if the ascendant changes if you add/subtract a couple minutes. 

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@mona - I used to roll with whatever time people would give me -- but noticed this pattern of perfectly rounded times (as Ernst correctly described in the course). Your suggestions are a elegant way to be mindful of higher vargas and watch for ascendant changes if they are on the cusp....In looking at charts I now ask a lot of questions to first align the birth time. It is hair-splitting and I have lost whatever remains....

Amit Bhat
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You can use career for birth chart rectification based on Jaimini techniques. Then you can use trigger transit techniques by looking at many past events. 

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@amit - thanks. I have used trigger transit techniques and in some cases, the birth time moved by 35 minutes. Maddening....

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There is a rectification based on diseases, injuries and etc. (Viewing varga D30 and moving the Lagna) practical and concrete way!

" There is a simila system, however, that can be helpful for
determing whether the right or left side of the body is affected. In
this system the twelve Rasis as counted from the Lagna represent
the twelve body parts as counted from Aries, but with one
important difference. Counting in the normal order represents the
right side of the body, counting in the reverse direction represents
the left side of the body. Thus the Lagna is the head; the 2nd the
right side of the face and the right eye; the 12th the left side of the
face and left eye; the 3rd the right arm and the 11th the left arm. The
3rd is also the left shank and the 11th the right shank. The 2nd is the
left foot, the 12th the right foot. So that is an idea. This is a helpful
technique for determining right left side when it comes to such
things as lost hearing, damaged vision and broken bones. This
system can be applied to any Varga under which the body is being
examined. This system is not specifically detailed in any of the
classical texts, but hinted at through statements such as malefic in
the 2nd hurt the right eye and malefic in the 12th hurt the left eye,
similar for ears and the 3rd and 11th." (Ernst - Astrological Anatomy and nutrition)

Malefic I think are also like Bad deeptadi avastha.

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@bhima - thanks. I'll keep this approach in mind - much appreciated.
