just finished the jyotish building blocks section and studying the planets at the moment.
What's bugging me is , how would you know how a planet behaves in a particular sign? and when you combine the planet in that sign with a house? how do you decide the end result? the outcome?
Ignoring aspects and conjunctions at the moment. Just focusing on an individual planet.
How do we know? For example sun in capricorn in the seventh house? Mars in aries in the second house?
How do we put these things together? is there a section of the course that shows how to combine these things?
I think I am going crazy thinking about it....lol
Hi Khan, I'm familiar with this same hair pulling issue but, after months of studying, I am starting to put those pieces together. There is no straightforward answer but here's what I suggest:
First, listen to the character effects of the Grahas (audio course). This will answer your question re: how a planet behaves in a sign. Am going through this course again at this very moment, taking notes this time. Ernst goes through each planet in each sign in details, based on the element of the sign, its modality, guna, feet, appearance and ruler, as well as the number of signs a planet is from its Mulatrikoona position and the number of signs that planet is from its own house. For example, Venus in Scorpio is in the 2nd sign from its MT position (which in Libra), making Venus in Scorpio passionate about his possessions and material security, but also about his relationships because Taurus is the 7th sign from Venus in Scorpio (just an example to give you an idea).
Also, study the foundational yogas, the course is called "the Yogas of character" (audio course), they are fun to study and gives you a lot of insights on the character of a person and foundation in life. Also check out Parivartana yoga and final dispositors in the Yoga section.
When it comes to the end results and how things are working in a specific house, I believe Ernst mentioned in an old post that the old books don't approach it that way so he doesn't either (if I find the post, I'll let you know). I believe the Dasa dependent yogas answer that question though as most of those are based on combo of lords of houses and where they end up in the chart (particularly 144 bhava yogas which you can quickly accessed and assessed in Kala). I have not studied those yet because am focusing mostly on the psychological aspect of astrology now but it's on my list for my February brain.
That being said, I would also recommend studying the Lajjitaadi avasthas. You mentioned you are ignoring aspects and conjunctions at the moment but, in terms of concrete effects (at least at a psychological level) of planets configurations in houses, those are indispensable. They can be studied as general psychological traits but since the state of a planet happens in a specific house, it can also be applied to a particular area of life. ShadBala is a nice pre-requisite to it.
There are other important classes like The Ages of the planets, Mastering debilitation that I am going back to as well.
I think the hardest part of astrology is that the devil can be in the details. I listened to a video by Vic DiCara the other day that was saying "do not try to milk all the details from one aspect of the chart, the details are coming from putting all the elements together" (something along those lines). I had fallen into the habit of wanting to make too much out of one aspect of the chart and, since I've heard that, I felt liberated;) But, it takes time to get there, it's like those 2,000 pieces puzzle.
Hope this helps! Good luck!
That's is what Ernst mentioned in the post I was referring to in my previous answer which confirms what I was saying (hurray! ????):
planets in rasis are in the Character Effects of the Grahas audio course. Planets in houses, no, I don't do that as sun in first, sun in second, etc. because its not how the old books do it. The condition of the planet determines its effects to the hosue its in, so you need to study its avasthas.
Link to the post:
make my brain explode
Am sure you have enough sulci and gyri to accommodate all of these knowledge streams. ???? Your input has been a true delight
With regards to nodes and Lajjitaadi Avasthas, do you see both of them impacting equally one's life or does one needs more attention on case to case basis?
With regards to nodes and Lajjitaadi Avasthas, do you see both of them impacting equally one's life or does one needs more attention on case to case basis?
From my limited experience (and also from a personal perspective), I find they go hand in hand and hard to separate from each other's. For example, I did a reading recently with Ketu in Capricorn / Rahu in Cancer which, in a nutshell, means a strong emphasis on material security and little emotional attention and exploration. Moon happens to starve Saturn (some emotional trauma, a focus on what she doesn't have when looking for emotional contentment, instead of diving within). Another example from the same chart, Ketu in the solar half so being "unnamed", or invisible feels more secure, and Saturn happens to starve her Sun blocking her self-expression. Also, I understand the L.A. of the lord of Rahu and Ketu play an important role in figuring out whether the person will manage Rahu/Ketu maturation. Am sure, there is a lot more to it. I wonder if the Moon's L.A. in particular (because Rahu and Ketu are her* nodes) and see where she supports/doesn't support other planets can help understanding Rahu/Ketu more. I have a secret wish that Ernst is going to tackle the nodes in the L.A. master class and bridge any gap. But, I think that, at the end of the day, a deep understanding of both the nodes and L.A. will help us put everything together by tapping into our intuition and allowing us to see how they interact. Am sure it takes a lot of practice too.
Hope this helps a bit!
* I say "her" for the Moon, because I'm French and we say "la lune" and decided to be stubborn about it ????