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Joined: Oct 5, 2020
Last seen: Feb 18, 2022
Topics: 16 / Replies: 39
RE: what makes an astrologer?

@manisha thank you for such a beautiful explanation 🙂 very helpful ji

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1287
4 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1299
RE: what makes an astrologer?

@mona thank you so much 🙂 wow,if i am from the future, it can help me with my predictions lol ????

4 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1665
RE: signs and houses

@kam thank you so much , I think you just saved my life 🙂 love and blessings always

4 years ago
RE: signs and houses

@mona you are awesome and your explanations are always helpful 🙂

4 years ago
RE: signs and houses

@mona and well, My saturn is in Scorpio in the sixth house, so it doesn't

4 years ago
RE: signs and houses

@mona this has been soo helpful my friend 🙂 because I do have that fear that when I do have to see clients they will sit there and expect me to kn...

4 years ago
RE: signs and houses

@tuyetv i understand what you mean. But how do we know the interpretation we get when we put it together is the right one? we are putting our know...

4 years ago
RE: signs and houses

@mona 🙂 thank you for your patience and kindness

4 years ago
RE: signs and houses

@codydeboer i started with Jyotish building blocks, then I studied Rashi sutras, grah sutras. I think I just don't know how to put things together a...

4 years ago
RE: signs and houses

@codydeboer okay, thank you so so so so much for your reply. which videos would your recommend I watch here to help me understand more? I owe you m...

4 years ago
RE: signs and houses

@mona i understand . I love the way your explain it 🙂 so , how do we come up with an interpretation of a planet in a given sign and house? in oth...

4 years ago
RE: signs and houses

@mona i understand . I love the way your explain it 🙂 so , how do we come up with an interpretation of a planet in a given sign and house? in oth...

4 years ago
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