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signs and houses

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let me understand this.

Aries and the first house are similar, Taurus and second house are similar etc ?

So basically a planet in First house or Aries will produce the same result?  ( just thinking about the planet, house and sign here alone, ignoring aspects, conjunction etc for the while)

So what happens if a planet is in Taurus, but in first house? do we combine the effects of Aries and Taurus with the planet, like a sandwich? 

for example, Moon in Taurus, in first house.?


Thank you in Advance


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Ernst Wilhelm
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Thats not the best way to do astrology. First we have to judge a planet. We do that with strengths, avasthas and yogas. The stuff that is good about the planet will manifest the house its in in a desirable way. The stuff that is bad about a planet will manifest the house in a negative way. We can't say that the sun in aries is like the sun in the first, its very, very different. Then if sun is in aries or libra in the first, its very very different. I dont like when astrologers make definitive statements about a planet in the house. There are some basic solid things we can determine about planets in houses, but we have to IMMEDIETALY modify those in accordance with the planets well being in that house before we Say anything about that planet in a house. A good course for me to do would be a planet in house course, good and bad, the two extremes, and then the astrologer can determine where a planet will land between those extremes and give an accurate interpretation. 

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I always remind myself the following:

- signs and houses have similarities but they are not the same, you will miss a lot about the meaning of a house if you liken it to the sign and vice versa

- planets in a sign is how and why a planet behave a certain way, the house is where this behavior will manifest. It’s his playground so to speak. Obviously that area of life will be influenced by that planet/sign combo and other factors. 

No sandwich 🙂 

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@mona i understand . I love the way your explain it 🙂

so , how do we come up with an interpretation of a planet in a given sign and house?

in other words, what are the steps you take to judge these things?

thank you again for your time and effort always 

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@khan A good place to start would be "character effects of the Grahas" (audio course) in which Ernst explains planets/signs combo at length and a technique to analyze it. I also love Inner Sky (book) by Steven Forrest.

A basic example I like to think about is: Venus (relationships) in Virgo (perfectionism) so a tendency to approach relationships with a perfectionist/critical attitude. In the 7th house, obviously, it would affect intimate relationships, but in the 10th house, it could affect relationships at work (this is overly simplified but just to get the idea across). Another example, I have Moon in Virgo in first house so am comfortable with the Virgo energy and have a quite analytical filter of the world and I can definitely self-scrutinize, self-analyze / 1st house stuff (psychologically, physically, ...). 

At the end of the day, I find that really understanding the core meaning of each planet, sign and house is key (with an understanding of the dignity). Once you have that, you don't really need to memorize, you can use your imagination/logic/intuition to mix and match. 

I would say Shad Bala and Lajjitaadi avasthas are next to understand the dynamics of a chart. I am focused on astrology for personality/psychology, so am biased towards these things. Like Ernst mentioned in his post, there's more to it, including yogas which I have not fully studied yet, mostly because I want to keep solidifying my foundations for now. 

Hope that helps.


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@mona i understand . I love the way your explain it 🙂

so , how do we come up with an interpretation of a planet in a given sign and house?

in other words, what are the steps you take to judge these things?

thank you again for your time and effort always 

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Its not the same no. 

Houses don't really exist unless they have a position to count from, but signs are always there. 

The 1st house can represent "you", your body, and your appearance, but even though Aries might be considered the first sign in a "general" zodiac, that doesn't mean Aries represents "you". Maybe Aries happens to be your 1st house, then your body might have an Aries like appearance, perhaps reddish skin and large limbed, but this also depends on where Mars is placed and many other things.

Another example, Libra is a balancing scale, and the 7th house is "wife". Balancing scale doesn't necessarily mean wife, and that scale could be involved in any house in the horoscope. If Libra was the 11th sign, than the scales would be in the house of "son's wife". 

In a very general sense, and although it is much deeper than this, It might help to think of the signs as symbols, colors, and tones. And the houses as tangible people, places, and things.   

I suggest studying the planetary relationships. Planets behave differently in different signs because of their relationships to the other planets that are ruling those signs. Friends, enemies, neutral etc. When it comes to houses, as far as I know the houses don't really change the mood or ability of the planet, rather the planet more so affects the house (Dig Bala might be a slight exception, but I would learn the other stuff first). 

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@codydeboer okay, thank you so so so so much for your reply.  which videos would your recommend I watch here to help me understand more?

I owe you many thanks

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@khan. I recommend the preliminary videos on the planets in the lajjitaadi avasthas masters course. Then you can really get to know and understand the essence of the planets and their consciousness. 

The video on Jupiter really inspired me, and that's a direct experience of Jupiter. No better way to learn. That's actually my favorite out all of Ernst's videos. 

Then I would check out "Jyotish Building Blocks", and it might help you put it together in the sense of analyzing a chart. 

Then to go deeper, Graha Sutras, and Rasi Sutras, but they take some time to work through. 

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@codydeboer i started with Jyotish building blocks, then I studied Rashi sutras, grah sutras.

I think I just don't know how to put things together and its making me feel overwhelmed.

I will try the Lajaatadi Avashtas course 

thank you so much for your reply 

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@khan  Ah ya, I hear you man. I still struggle to put it all together myself, I can only assume that part comes with time and experience.

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@khan I hear you too! We've all been through this, I'm sure. Still going through it. One thing that really helped me was to think about the type of astrology I wanted to do. This helped me narrow my focus after I had binge-watched/listened to a lot of courses. Now, I realize that, while I don't remember/need it all, I can still use some of it effectively. And, also, as I mentioned before, going back to the basics and understanding each component as thoroughly as possible. And that trick formula: planet = the what, sign = the how and why, house = the where.

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@mona 🙂

thank you for your patience and kindness

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That would take a lot of contemplation.. Understand what the planet is then understand what the house represents and put them together for example how would Mars in first house act good and bad (avasthas/dignity). How would Mars in the 2nd  behaves good and bad. It is actually a really good exercise because it forces you to think things through and put together what you know.

From my old notes, for example I know Mars is about energy, action, courage, dealing with emergency. 1st house is self. If Mars is good then Mars in the 1st house would represent to me someone who is courageous, who is a self motivated, ambitious. If Mars is bad then someone who is combative, impulsive, has many accidents.

2nd house is resources, family life, speech ect.... If Mars is good then the person works hard to accumulate wealth, good family life. If Mars is bad maybe the person spends too fast, financial problems, talks too fast or too much, problems with teeth....  

Then you can go through it with planets and signs how would a Mars in Aries behave, good and bad. How would a Mars in Taurus behave, good and bad. I tell you it takes a lot of thinking, but i it helps me to understand about planets, signs and houses in general terms  



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@tuyetv i understand what you mean.

But how do we know the interpretation we get when we put it together is the right one?

we are putting our knowledge together, but how would we know we are telling a client the right thing?


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@khan you know Khan i understand your problem because i am still going through it and probably will always go through it. We can can say that we know something but we don't know everything maybe with the exception of Ernst who has such a vast knowledge of astrology. I supposed that comes with experience, knowledge and time which will give you the confidence that you are interpreting a chart correctly or at least on the right path. I can tell you the basic courses that i took almost 3 years ago, i went back to listen to them recently, and voila they made much more sense now with the knowledge that i have accumulated since.That is when contemplation and deep thinking come into play sort of like you have all these dots and now how do you connect these dots base on your knowledge to tell a story of a person's life. Some people can provide more details than others depending on their astrology experience. The imagination of the mind is a wonderful thing.

So be patient, hang in there, learning is fun and that confidence will come....



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@khan I would say: remember a consultation is a collaborative process. Not a passive, "I'll let you guess what's going on because you are the astrologer" game. With my very first consults, I was doing it for friends, free, casual so I had people interested but they were just curious about it and I didn't know better. I just had their birth data and was faced with a feeling of overwhelm. Not fun. Because human beings are complex, astrology is as well so I now always have them tell me what is going on and tell them that, the more specific they are, the more helpful the consult will be. I'm also assuming that some clients don't want to reveal much in order to test the validity of the astrologer/astrology. I would stay away from those if you can. Also, if you master the basics, your intuition will have more freedom to kick in as well. You can't remember nor talk about everything in a chart, so you need some intuition to work for you as well. Finally, I'm personally all about niches, so if you can also narrow down what type of astrology you want to do, you can focus on that and attract the people who are interested in what you have to specifically offer (doesn't mean you cannot expand your niche and add to it later on but, to start with, I think it's a good idea) 😉

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@mona this has been soo helpful my friend 🙂

because I do have  that fear that when I do have to see clients they will sit there and expect me to know everything like some psychic.

I am lightyears away from seeing a client, but the fear is still there.

what if my knowledge is never enough to help anybody ? what if i have to reach the level as Ernst before I can do a competent reading? so many fears I have 


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@mona and well, My saturn is in Scorpio in the sixth house, so it doesn't

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@khan I understand what you are talking about: with Ketu in Gemini, I never have enough information. But it's a bottomless pit. I always have to remind myself that I met the perfect client at the perfect time. Not that the reading is perfect but that we connected at the right time and for a reason. Actually, I was just thinking about that this morning, as I was telling myself how "terrible" it was that I did some readings 2 months ago when I didn't know about xzy information or technique. LOL. 

Same with Ernst: do you think we would have access to this website and his amazing teachings if he had waited for everything to be perfect? As you probably know, Ernst has changed his approach over the years and still evolves. As great as his knowledge is, astrology is so vast anyways, I don't think anyone can comprehend it all (well, except for Ernst maybe ;p). 
When it comes to your Saturn in the 6th house, well Saturn is where we have a blockage that only perseverance, patience, and a good dose of realism can unlock. If we don't apply these qualities, we let ourselves be defined by this blockage. In your 6th house of work and the development of skills, hey Saturn may not be all that bad after all. Just beware not to let yourself be swallowed up by Scorpio's tendency to dive deep into complicated feelings. You probably need to approach your 6th house with a certain detachment and self-discipline (I know, easier said than done;)
Enjoy your studies!
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@mona you are awesome and your explanations are always helpful 🙂


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@khan if you haven't done so already, I'd recommend you listen to the Bach Flower Remedies course. Ernst does a wonderful job of going through each sign and attributing the emotional blocks associated with them. I have some planets influenced by Scorpio as well and the remedies for Scorpio really helped me to curb some of my intangible fears and emotional insecurities. I think it would be a huge help to you. ????????

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@kam thank you so much , I think you just saved my life 🙂

love and blessings always

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