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Concrete Predictions with Vimshottari Dasa

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hi ernst,

please can you sharpen my understanding about agenda of  a dasa lord

when examining a planet as maha dasa lord with regards to its agendas.

can you please clarify this point for me

, if a planet have an agenda , as a result of ruling a karaka or a house/cusp lord in a certain varga

(without any other direct agenda relation, through rulership over a critical cusp or rasi from lagna etc).

 for instant,  moon in Jupiter sign and moon is the ruler of the 2nd cusp, (we looking at the hora chart) and moon also the karaka for " open to wealth", 

 ,and no other relation of Jupiter, what so ever, to wealth agenda in that chart, (not directly or indirectly).

my question is, does Jupiter hold this agenda for wealth through his whole dasa, on account of the moon being there, regardless if its the moon antar dasa or not?

will jupiter still hold this agenda in all his other different antar dashas, or is this agenda only come to life when it's jupiter moon antar dasa?

also what if Jupiter doesnt have any agendas through rulership but rather aspect moon and by that connection gets his agenda,

will  jupiter keep this weaith agenda through its whole dasa or just when its Jupiter/ moon?

if jupiter keeps this agenda throughout the whole dasa, then in jupiter/ jupiter ,if Jupiter is the strongest planet for wealth agenda in the hora(under the above agenda connection i mentioned) , would he be able to manifest wealth just by that agenda indication?

so basically what i am asking is, does an agenda of a planet exist constantly weather the planet which allow that agenda to another planet is activated or not, in his antar dasa? 


4 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Yes, the agenda will be there always under Jupiter. So that gives jupiter a say on wealth, always. 

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Posts: 257

@ernst  and does that also apply to, when Jupiter agenda is achieved by just an aspect to a cusp/rasi lord or a karaka (as Jupiter manifester)? will he hold this agenda throughout the whole dasa?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Yes, then as well. 

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Posts: 257

@ernst thank you Ernst
