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COT Trump/Harris

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Hello Ernst, I came across an old video you did back in 2016 regarding Trump and Clinton. I think it was due to the elections. I was wondering if you’re thinking about doing another one for the upcoming 2024 elections because both of these candidates do have timed birth, and if I recall, the results were invalid because Clinton didn’t have a valid birth time 

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Ernst Wilhelm
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If I have time I will. I did predict to a friend that BIden would drop out due to saturn in his 7th giving results this year. Based on the work I have done so far, I expect Komala to win the election. I want to give a longer look with some other techniques. I also think that komala will do a better job than expected. Of course, she's not expected to do much, haha,  but she will surpass the general expectations that the public has for her. I don't love KOmala's dasa and so I want to spend some more time on the prediction using other techniques, but those are my thoughts so far. I dont know if I will have time to make a video, I may just post it here in a quick email. I am more concerned about the eclipses of the next 2 years, it really does not matter who is elected, they are just a figure head of the collective karma of the nation, not a force to change the direction of the collective karma. What people don't understand about these positions of high power, is that no one is more powerless because the forces they are trying to steer are extremely powerful collective forces.  

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@ernst thanks for your insight on this because I feel intuitively Kamala possibilities look very strong.I agree these candidates are not the real order makers anyway.

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I thought your favorite technique for this was Jaimini yogodas associated with the antardasa? I believe you said that method is 80% accurate. 

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@scott-m-19 I think what Ernst was explaining is not one technique will consistently work Jaimini yogada BHPS or Varshaphala all combined with astrologer intuition you might get75%

Amit Bhat
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Trump is looking far stronger in sun antar dasa than Kamala's Venus antar. Even his d10 is pretty stronger than Kamala. Also he running mostly in yoga planets. His d9 is strong too.

In the yearly spread, just I am not liking 7 of spades in trump's venus card and five planets in queen of hearts where kamala has got the edge but her moon is not great either with 7 of spades. However J,Q,K and ecliptic are much in favour of Kamala than Trump.

If you get time to analyse further, it would be very interesting whom you would give higher preference to win!





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@amit thanks Amit Ernst stated these upcoming eclipses don’t look good it makes me wonder if something is gonna happen before the election will have to see this is gonna be a very volatile time. I personally think they will be in an election, but it probably will be contested again and there might be some unrest.

Amit Bhat
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Probably he meant eclipses of next 2 years and not this year one?

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@amit ok I want to learn the cards of truth foundation course because I’m looking at my spread and I have seven spades on my ecliptic. It’s my Jupiter card, which is my AK self factor. Could that be a negative thing for me this year?also in October I enter maraka 2nd lord with 7th lord.i know the 2nd lord is strongest killer. I can’t worry about it, though what will happen will happen

Amit Bhat
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For 7 of spades as ecliptic card, you need to see earth's shadow card as well as Saturn card as they get focused due to this. If they are doing good, then it won't be bad.

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@amit OK, thanks I will check into that as I said I need to learn more about the cards but what concern me was I also saw in my vimsshattorii dasa I’m running my maraka planets and my primary direction and solar arc progression show progressed Saturn conjunction to my natal mars

Amit Bhat
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This is something I am thinking over, if Saturn is transiting over natal mars but say if you got mars in good avasthas, that could indicate a good fight back by mars over the difficulties brought by Saturn transit in the house where it is happening. Also important thing is to try to use planets in good avasthas and burn their bad avasthas through inner work as that will activate more of good Subha phala and less of ashubha phala. Then everything else becomes secondary including maraka planets action.

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@amit my natal mars is DB alarmed Avashtas in 7th house conjunction to sun wich also Saturn Bhukti starting in October Saturn is my 2nd house lord

Amit Bhat
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Db mars has one good thing, it's delighted by moon. Sun is agitating but delighting too.  So circumstances are difficult with some agitation in 7th house matters but they are coupled with good attitude too.

Also moon and mars are both delighting sun too. 

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@aisky He is talking about Saturn Rahu conjunct in Pisces , each time the Moon or any planet will transit that Sign after January 10 of that upcoming year for 2 years straight. Each time a planet comes there it will be shamed by Saturn and Rahu. I made myself a spreadsheet for each time Rahu and Saturn was conjunct. Last time it happened was around 2013 which was in Scorpio. I remember that time I was quite scared and I was transitioning toward leaving the protestant church toward Self Development or Astrology. In 2002 Just after 9/11 happened, people went crazy for obvious reason. 

I think it can be quite a scary period but in retrospect it also bring a lot of needed change. I think spiritually people are about to grow, probably because of what happened with Covid Vaccine, people can't deny truth indefinitely. I notice a lot Christians movement are on the rise, either on YouTube or in real life or Facebook, some start to get scared or cry for help I guess. 

I could be wrong on that but that's my thoughts about the Rahu Saturn conjunction upcoming. Ernst probably knows better though, as I searched thoroughly previous time in history when this conjunction happened. In 1877 Edgar Cayce was born, it's the last time when Rahu Saturn was in Pisces, if one just go on Wikipedia and read his biography you can see his trauma clear as daylight if you use the PAC course as Ernst teach it or his Rahu healing course.

I went "berserk" on my own search to learn each Saturn Rahu conjunction through out history. And each time that conjunction happened, a lot of things changed in the world. I could almost say this conjunction is "let's hide in a bunker it's the end of the world" kind of feeling people get, if one were to caricature the feeling people get. In 2013 it seems it was related to Bitcoin, as Scorpio is opposite Taurus.  The opposite conjunction happened during the AID crisis starting around 1978, ketu was in Pisces and the Virgo Sign Was getting kicked by Saturn and Rahu. 

It seems the only time this conjunction isn't as hurtful is when Saturn is strong, exalted or proud, as Ernst said in his Rahu course. So during the 1978 or 1991  Saturn was stronger as it was either closer to Libra or Aquarius, his exaltation or mulatrikona (Virgo is just near Libra) Just after the 78 conjunction it was the 80's and Saturn was advancing through Libra, in 91 it was advancing through Aquarius. So it was a less scary  time if we follow the "Avastha rules". 

But the hardest time was probably when Saturn is near Aries, and during that 2 years coming up at some point Saturn will be Aries, and it will be in Aries near the end as it comes out from Rahu illusion. Remember 1968 or 69, Saturn and Rahu in Aries. Who has the biggest "D"? one would say or biggest the AhamKara, it was that type of conjunction. 

I remember last time Rahu was transiting my Sun in Pisces I went over the top, though it did felt good, I felt like I was overdoing it with confidence. This time it's going to be quite different.  I can add another precision. Saturn is in a specific Nakshatra right now, the Ekapadah, the 23rd nakshatra according to Ernst. "Purvabhadrapada
One foot at the earlier feet of the stool [ekapadaḥ pūrve proṣṭhapadāḥ] of aja (The Unborn) is common to all humans [vaiśvānaraṁ] from above and the collective gods [vaiśvāvasavam] from below." 

I know people who has their moon there or Sun, a lot of them are going through huge change in their life. 

In March next year the Saturn Rahu conjunction will be in Uttarabhadrapada, with the Sun there on top of it. It's probably the closest it will be conjunct in a nakshatra. I expect people who have their Sun or Moon there it will be hard for them. 

Also relating the the house it is in your chart, Pisces is my 11th house and I know I had problems with Groups recently, it's not over the top yet, but I expect it might get more crazy as Saturn and Rahu kiss each other 😀 

If we look at Trump, chart, from memory his 8th house is Pisces, so hidden change for him, it's not going to clear cut but hidden things. 

Kamala harris Pisces is in her 10th house. From a logical point of view more change is in store for her it seems. Could be that answer we are looking for, can it be as simple as that? 

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@lorris I have my Mars as my AK in  Purva Bhadrapada and Pisces is my 8th house...Yup, went through probably the hardest thing I ever had to go through in my lifetime over the last year or 15 months with the Sa transit. 8th cusp very close to Ma as well. All to the good.

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@scott-m-19 I got Saturn at 19'48 Pisces in Purva Bhadrapada pada 4 but it has not been a conjunction before it went retrograde. But now that I think about it, i recently had a problem with not getting paid my sale bonuses and also the payments for my now ended insolvency were not stopped by my employer, so that i currently dont have acces to 2k € (very much 8th house saturn stuff, right). other than that I am doing great, lets see what shani sati still has in for me 😀

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@amit Far from a bad placement, 7 of Spades in the Saturn card is a wonderful card to my understanding. Not sure whether the placement of it´s lord Saturn helps it or ruins it, though. It´s in a nice card but in a tough placements, which makes it a hard placement. That´s good for remedeing it´s own card when it´s bad - which it is not in that case. So I guess that Saturn placement is NOT positive for the Saturn card... I would be thrilled to hear what Ernst has to say about that detail.

With that said, it´s still a Moon ready for crisis. Timewise it seems to me as and indication of a tough period that she will be capable of dealing with.

There are also other indications of her having a great year for dealing with problems. Speaking about this year still, leading up to the elections. Her birthday is October 20. So Mars is in his own card, 7D, a wonderful card to overcome problems. Problems rolling off you like water off a gooseback. 3C Moon card, influencing the Saturn card that rules most of September and October - Finding new ways, new solutions. Background influence - I don´t remember what we call that card - KH, good for emotional sacrifices - and the Uranus card, KD, willing to face hardships too. Stability in the Mercury card, a general good feeling - 10H - in the Venus card; too bad she doesn´t have the 7th cusp (the public there). The only frustrating card is 6C in the Jupiter card; something not working out. That was in June and beginning of July - a frustrating team in the White House for sure, that lead to Biden leaving the campaign.

That´s how I see it. I´m gonna have a look at the spread for the actual election year now...


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At a first glance I don´t see anything spectacularily obvious in KH:s yearspred for next year, which means I don´t see why she couldn´t be elected. She´s strong in Queens which should be good. The 4D on the Saturn position seems ominous though. I´m not sure whether we should classify the placement of Saturn as hard or not; if it is it will help his own card. But a 9 in Jupiter position - a little worse than good, I´d say. Which should help the Saturn card out to some degree.


Amit Bhat
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Yes, 7 of spades in Saturn card is good and it's death of destruction itself. Her moon card with 3 of clubs is not as good as trump's 6♥️. It's a very active moon as both cards are male and 3 is not preferred at moon card. Moon looks beautiful when she is more receptive than hard working. However her card spread is very very strong overall as compared to trump.

So it's a very neck to neck fight because her dasas are weaker as compared to trump. Also transits from moon are more supportive on trump on the d day.

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@amit I agree that it´s not a good Moon card for feeling good, but I wouldn´t say that it might get in the way for her winning the race.

What do you make about Saturn being in a "good" card in a "bad" position? If the Saturn card itself would be "bad", that would improve it, but what do we do out of it when the card is "good". Does it strenghten it further or take something away from it, how do you reason?


Amit Bhat
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With her moon card, 3 not preferred as it's flying apart from accomplishments but it's not becoming a focal card for her. 

Her Saturn card is strong but Saturn in Jupiter card that means she would be averted to reach the full success of 6 clubs and the burdens and the difficulties of Saturn will add to it. So she would struggle with the right judgement and working out her obligations and as this has the 10th cusp too. Her strongest card is Venus with 10♥️ getting activated by king card which has behind it the force of ecliptic and queen card. Further jack card is activating the mercury card  with lot of stable strength and secure self worth. This is where she is stronger than Trump as his Venus card is destroyed.



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@amit Spot on, good reading! It´s all so obvious once it´s put together...


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@amit Trumps antardasas Yogodas are stronger than Harris but not by much. On election day, Harris has transiting Mars squaring her asc lord Me and Mars is her 6th lord. Trump has transiting Ju right on his rahu/su conjunction in the 11th house that day. 

It is also interesting that on election day, 11/5,  transiting Mo will be in square to both the nodes around 8pm washington DC time. Probably showing mass excitement/hysteria or something like that. 

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Now it's like cards are favouring Kamala strongly and Astrology is favouring Trump especially if you see his yoga strength based on vimshottari and planets being activated for him. Really a terrific excitement!

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Yeah I know, both have raj yogas being activated in subdasas. Trumps is stronger. But raj yogas don't necessarily mean 'winning'. But Trumps sun is his subdasa lord in the 11th of titles.

Amit Bhat
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Yes, Raj yoga means great success (Raj simply means to rule) and that can potentially give a win too especially in that 11th house with great strength on sun as compared to Kamala's Venus in 4th.

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@amit I´m running out of popcorn. And there are still more than two months to go.


Amit Bhat
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This is going to be very exciting election. Trump might get the edge as his dasa is stronger and on the election day Kamala is running two of diamonds in sun card while trump is running 10♥️ in the mars card which is like preventing the support from flying apart.

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Finally Trump did it!

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But, it is interesting regarding the Astrology: As was reviewed here on this thread. Trump had stronger yogodas in his subdasha, his raj yoga was stronger than Harris' raj yoga, the transits on election evening were in favor of Trump (Ju was right on his Sun/Ra), also, the inauguration day was more in favor of Trump winning transit wise. 

Amit Bhat
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 Hopefully Trump will prove better for his country and world as a whole as we see Biden and Harris just pumping wars everywhere especially in Ukraine. Hopefully there is restraint on wars and terrorism now.

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@amit I ask you not to go into politics, please. I grew up in the vicinity of Russia and Ukraine and see the unlawful invasion in quite a different light than what you seem to do. But I don´t think this is the place to vent political views.


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Sure, I am not interested in politics and only just hoping things to be better in future for world peace and brotherhood ❤️ 

Next year seems to be quite difficult when Saturn goes in debilitation and conjunct with Rahu for a while along with Neptune. To me it looks like a very stressful combination for the world as a whole and we need the people on the world stage who can exert restraint under very stressful times. World can't afford wars now. 

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@amit That´s wishful thinking Amit. Fact is that there is an unlawful invasion going on, whether we like it or not. 


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I will look more deeply into Trump's chart and let's see what's he going to bring on the table. I would not further speak on political matters because it's complex and this is not the place to discuss that. But we can astrologically try to understand what's coming up!

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@amit Yep, in a forum like this all kinds of political views come together, so I believe that is the only way to keep it healthy. 


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Neptune will be transiting over his 8th cusp soon into the new year and it will conjoin Ra within the same navamasa of his 8th cusp. Then the Sa/Ra conjunction will be within the same navamsa of his 8th cusp. Uranus is transiting over his 10th cusp right now. 

Will be indicative of something, but Ra/Nep/ and the 8th are all misty and hidden in their natural indications...hard to tell....Shall be interesting.

Ju will hit his natal Ra and Su again too. 

I made a good attempt to rectify his chart. It could always be refined though...With the proper hospital he was born in I have him at 10:53:34 at Jamaica Hospital NY. 

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@amit hey how have You been

This will be a fun election to predict. I don’t have my software with me, but I looked into Biden, Trump and Kamala’s charts a few months ago, for both the election date and inauguration date. This was before Bidens drop out and it was during confirmation of Trumps indictement in both trials involving the women.


Anyways, Biden chart looked disadvantaged big time so I couldn’t see anything to predict he’d win and continue to be president.


Kamala’s didn’t look good for winning either. The funny part is, I used her chart 4 years ago to predict Biden would win, because both Biden and Trumps charts were ambiguous and both had chances. It was the whole scandal of who won. In any case, for the inauguration date, Kamala’s  showed awesome as if she got the biggest upgrade of her life career wise. That got me to predict Biden would win since she was on his ticket.


As for Trump, he had a few bad years in both astrology and COT from what I saw, but things just turned around recently and I wouldn’t be surprised if he wins. By what methods, god knows. I posted here that based on Pluto transit his assassination attempt might have been a set up. It was conveniently right before the republican convention, then all of the sudden he gets immunity for the insurrection and all his indictments get postponed. Now Musk is suddenly backing him up - Zuckerberg just did it indirectly , and it remains to be determined what is the Telegram’s owner gonna do given the odd circumstances around France arrest. When social media ‘s mightiest 3 people take a side, that side has better chances. 

I will definitely look into it closer when I get my hands onto a windows computer and reinstall Kala and refresh my memory and take a closer look. But that’s what I can recall from a few months back.


Looking forward to read everyone else’s takes on this election and I will revise mine as I get further into it or as more events unfold.


I’m keeping my eyes up for the partial lunar eclipse in Pisces that’s coming with a Saturn Sun opposition indicative of struggles or possible drop outs or some other difficult events around a leader and possibly his health, and also watching the effects of the last solar eclipse in Libra in October where Sun is eclipsed by south node plus DB (double whammy) to check leadership weaknesses especially cause Mars is going DB September 3rd for 2 months until 2 days before election (Mars being super important for Trump( as well. Then Mars strengthens up November 3rd thru January 6th, right before elections.



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@mirela Pavel Durov is a libertarian, as me, he won't endorse anyone 🙂

Amit Bhat
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I am good, thank you. I was thinking about you not posting for long. Hope you are well. Good to see you back.

Yeah certainly I like to see your analysis of who has more edge as Kamala is looking very strong in cot for this year but Trump has very strong Raj yoga activated. 

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@ernst I was looking at the assassination attempt on Trump which occurred on July 13th 2024 where Saturn was in his 8th on 19 degree 15 min of Pisces squaring his natal node and ascendant lord Sun in Gemini, Ascendant lord Mars conjunct Uranus in the 10th but Rahu was in Aries in the 9th. In the last few days of February and beginning of March 2025, Saturn will Make that same degree in Pisces but now the Sun which is the Ascendant lord will be conjunct Saturn in the 8th, the dispositor of his Natal Sun Mercury will be conjunct the Node now also in the 8th. Mars, his AK will be in Cancer close to debilitation. April does not look so good either. Do you think there will be another attempt or maybe a war he will enter with all that 8th house mess in his chart? (His AK is in Sag in the D9 which indicated fall from heights by Jaimini).

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@ernst Would love to hear what your latest predictions especially given some of the preceedings events from last and this week including the Kamala-Trump Debate that happened and the 2nd assassination attempt on Trump. It is pretty wild times we are living in .. 

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@healthy_living Also the refusal of letting Ukraine using longrange weapons against Russia. Is Russia holding a gun against the administration´s head saying that if you do that, we will do something in the middle East that will turn things upside down before the election. Are they going to do that anyway?


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Trumps chart looks stronger for sure, but one thing I haven't seen addressed yet is Kamala's Veena "lute" Sankhya Yoga of all planets in seven rasis which gives the range of results according to the placement of Saturn.  She has Saturn in moolakitrona Aquarius and in the 9th house, plus it's lord of the 9th in the 9th so adding strength on strength.  Then she has Rahu in the first, so it's giving results of Saturn and on top of this she is in Rahu dasa.  Taking this to the Dasamsa, she has Rahu in the Aquarius Lagna with 11th house cusp of titles and Saturn with the 10th house cusp in the 10th sign from the Lagna, it's all very powerful and activated at this time.  

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In 2020 i took the Yogas of Character course and i took the charts of family members, friends and others to practice, and one of them was Kamala Harris. So i am sharing here just for fun reading....

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