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How to choose plants for garden?

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Hello Ernst,

I was asked by an friend which plants, according to Astrology, would be best for him to plant in his garden. I dont know how to determine that.

I found a website which gives a list for each sign showing which plants would be best.

I am thinking one can choose plants according to the Lagna or Lagna Lord. Then I was thinking according to the 4th house/sign or 4th Lord. Or according to which planet is weak in Sadbala.

How to approach such question?

I also made a Prasna with the time he asked the question. But here also what is the method to determine that. Initially I thought according to the Lagna Lagna Lord because it signifies the self. But then I thought maybe 4th house.

Never heard anything about such questions. Dont know how to approach it. Any help appreciated.

Kind regards



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I wonder if looking at 2nd cusp and any influences to it, 2nd Lord, any planets in the 2nd and their quality...also what's going in Taurus and with the Moon. Graha Sutras has a chapter on the type of plants that each planet rules (Chapter 18, page 193). Also, Chapter 28, page 237- Dry and Moist Grahas might be interesting to look at.


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Hello, yes I read that but I dont think that answers my question. I think its a bit different approach. He gives a generel idea about what plants are connected to each Graha. That of course is important but I would be interested if there is material with more detail somewhere. Then I need to understand how to judge that. In the part about wet and dry Grahas he explains according to that classification in connection to 4th house one can see in which area one lives but that alone does not really show me which plants are good for a person. Of course some plants dont grow in dry climate etc. but that is very unclear to make a prediction because how to choose from so many plants. I assume connections to the 4th house should be considered like Lord of the house and other influences but I am not sure if that is correct and what else one needs to consider or what is more important, 4th house or Lagna. I dont think 2nd house can help with determining that, I dont see the connection to the question I asked. The influences to the Moon makes sense in the sense that the Moon rules our mind and is a personality factor. But I hope to get some comformation because I lack experience in that matter. Why Taurus?

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@narottama I see what you mean. I was thinking a garden where we grow plants is related to food so that's why I would look at the 2nd. Then I'd check the ruler of the 2nd. For example, if it's Mercury in decent shape with nice aspects, I'd say the person can grown plants without fruits. Then I would look to see what planet is in the 2nd. I would check Jaimini aspects to the 2nd. Moon is important for growth, food and nourishment. Taurus is the 2nd zodiac sign so that's where that popped from. If it was a beauty gardening with flowers, I would look at Venus as well. Well, I might be wrong in my approach to check what plants someone should plant in their garden. Always open to learn what works so if 2nd isn't involved, I'll know not to use it in the future.

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@mirela I see also what you mean now, makes sense and you are right that if one wants to grow plants for food thats surely something to consider. My friend wants to know generally, whatever it is, flowers, trees, bushes, etc. whatever is indicated in the chart. Thank you for the replies and input you gave. I appreciate.

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@narottama thanks for clarifying...for gardens that don't involve growing food, I'd use the 4th house like you've mentioned, but I still wouldn't know how else to recommend the type of plants differently other than by getting inspired by the qualities of the planets involved and their relationship to the plants as per Graha Sutras....I'll keep my eye out for other ideas

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OK, so 4th house. In the persons chart I am looking for the 4th is ruled by Jupiter, so Jupiter ruled plants. Graha Sutras says fruit bearing plants. I think and feel also that this is what I would like to recommend and focus on.

I have found a website that gives many plants according to the zodiac signs but I dont know how accurate that is.

Thanks for looking out in case you find something and thanks for taking time to reply, think about this topic and give your input.

Kind regards 

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@narottama the only other thing that popped into my head are nakshatras. What if we check what Nakshatra is Jupiter in? There is a table with miscellaneous articles that relates naskshtras to different things, some of them to plants...Chitra for example, with "coconut and corn for royal use", or Svati with "grains that produce gas" case you feel like exploring in that direction. I have actually used Nakshatras descriptions a few times to get some unexpected details on some cusps too. Jupiter is great to have as the 4th Lord . It's moist, it has to do with fertility, it enlarges, it manifests. Especially if it's unaffected. I also wonder if the color of the Rasi can give you ideas on which color fruit plants. Ok, that's all I have. That was a great question btw

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@mirela That are good hints, thank you. Jupiter in my friends case is in Mrigasirsa. This Naksatra table you mentioned, can you tell me more? I have from diferent astrologers tables about Naksatras but what you say to me sounds new, maybe not what I have. From whom is it? How to get it?

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@narottama it's from Ernst's course. There is a handout "Nakshatras - The Galactic Zodiac". I am not sure, but this could be the link to the course ????

For Mrigasira: "fruits, Catechu plant (betel nut), flowers, brewery, mango, juices, crops" , and btw Mrigasira is great for growing plants, and is involved with Soma - so super nourishing... so maybe antioxidant filled fruit plants?

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@mirela Thats great. Thank you very much. ???? ????

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something else to consider is that the moveable signs are related to rocks and mineral kingdom, fixed signs to plants, and dual to animals and people.  (I forget which of Ernst's classes that is from).  So the person asking will probably do better if they have more planets in fixed, or at least key planets in fixed (maybe atmakaraka?) otherwise gardening might not be their thing. 
