Interesting twin ch...
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Interesting twin chart

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 I spoke to a spiritual leader within the Native American Church, a Lakota chief who is a twin. He was born, according to his birth certificate, exactly at midnight while his brother was born one minute before him, but on another date. While he became, as I said, a healer and a spiritual leader who according to Dalai Lama "reminds /him/ of Ganesh", his brother became a jailbird with little interest, to my understanding, in spirituality or healing. Birth Place: Rosebud, South Dakota on July 26 1972. 12 AM. He was born with only one kidney, which according to him is why he rose to the occasion and became a great healer. His brother has got three.

I don´t know if it´s possible that two children are being borned within just a minute or two in a natural way and I wonder whether their would be a c-section in a reservation, so I guess the timing could be questioned. But it´s still a noteworthy time at the day for a birth, so I guess it can´t be that much off neither. Just specualating.

He gave me his permission to share these dates with you Ernst, I only hope I´m not doing anything wrong sharing it publicly like this.

Also my wife has a female fried who was born only 15 minutes before her, same city, same day. While my wife is highly spiritual and works as a healer, with a Sankha yoga that makes her a powerful healer, her friend is completely blocked in life and does not find her way. The have identical rasi charts and card spreads. Without the vargas it´s hard to understand how they can be so different and have such different lives. My wife was born at January 2nd 1978 in Tapachula, Mexico, the other woman 23.45 - or so - the day before.

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I find twin charts to be very interesting too. Their Rasi D-1 charts are the same, but the Varga charts are different. I recently took the Predict with Vimshottari Dasa and Ernst went over all the Vargas. He used a twins example in D-27 and D-30. I thought that was so interesting. The Vargas will be where the differences in their lives show. Twins they can be really close or not so close too. My cousins are twins and one has a very good Navamsa, but the other one is not so good. The one with the good Navamsa is still married, but his twins got divorce several years ago. BTW your wife has the same Bday as me, different year though (she is much younger)...

I think when i retire in a few years i am going to study twins charts just for the fun of it...


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@tuyetv Yep... I haven´t jumped that deeply into the Vargas yet. I mean, you really have to know the birthtime, and of course the Vargas themselves is the best instrument for finding the birthtime, but then you have to be a very good predictive astrologer in general. It´s a little too deep water for me, and I have more of a natural lack for the psychological part of astrology I think.

Now you got me curious about your birth chart as seen in the Cards of Truth-system. Whether you are born before or after sunrise /on the equator for that longitude/ you have a rare birth card: It´s either King of Spades as my wife or King of Queens. Those cards only rule one day a year, each. And I have hardly met any King of Queens; only an uncle who passed away several years ago. So it would be interesting to interview you about your birthcard... Since I plan to read a book about the cards some day I really have to know them all... Could I?


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My COT is Queen of Spades as Mattias (a forum member once explained this to me). He said people born on January 2 have Queen of Spades card which only comes up once a year, a very rare card. I have used Jaimini technique trying to rectify my birth time by about 3 minutes, but i am not completely comfortable with that. The D-60 is extremely time sensitive.  Here is the video from Carmina-Adelina Amza just in general about the Queen of Spades

Mattias from the Forum was kind enough to provide me with some general information about the Queen of Spades. I know nothing about COT.  I tried to look for that posting to share and i could not locate it. It is Post 689 from Mattias and the title of that post is "Queen of Spades birth spread". He did a very nice job. I have always wanted to learn about COT but i simply do not have enough time now to do it. I barely have enough time 3 to 4 hours a week to learn Ernst's classes which I have enjoyed immensely. I am no expert in predicting anything. I study astrology as a hobby to understand myself more and people in general. Another project when i retire is to learn COT...

What Mattias and Carmina said in general about the Queen of Spades very much resonates to my personality I have to say...You can contact me, but i am sure your wife is just as interesting since she is too the Queen of Spades. We are very independent, well-balanced creatures. Maturity, sanity and health, nothing threatens the Queen of Spades....






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@tuyetv Yes, it would be interesting to do a reading for you and get to learn more about Queen of Spades that way. How can I contact you, are you willing to share your email? Otherwise this is mine: Do you have Zoom installed on your computer?

My wife is born at night so cardwise she belongs to the day before, she´s a King of Spades.

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These twins have some significant cusp changes even though they were born roughly a minute apart. First of all, they are both born in different ascendant drekkanas/navamsas in the natal chart. Plus the 6th house cusp changes in vargas D30 and D40. The brother with three kidneys has Ve exalted conjoined the 6th cusp in the D30 varga and Ve rules the Kidney. 

To do accurate predictions between the two though, you would need to rectify to a closer exact birth time. 

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Right, the lagna changes in the Navamsa three seconds after midnight, that´s a huge change of course. Plus the other vargas, above all the D60 I guess. I´m not advanced enough as an astrologer to do that rectification though. Kidnes are Venus, right. Both have it exalted in the trimsamsa, but my friend has it with the 8th cusp, maybe that is an indication of one kidney being taken away from him? I guess that having Venus exalted in D30 helps him to survive with just one kidney. The one that he has should work really well, I´d guess.

As for my wives chart as compared to her friends I don´t see any change in the Navamsa though, given that the birth times are correct. I guess my wives birth time is, since it´s such a special time, two minutes after midnight.

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The cusps change pretty quickly (within seconds). It is most likely that the birth times here are not exactly correct and need to be rectified somewhat...Most people are not born at the exact minute mark. This is from 1972, so can be off anyways. Plus, the exact location of birth is probably off since the longitude and latitude is probably not close the address of birth. 

I don't have the 8th cusp conjoined Ve in D30 with either twin. 

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