Hi Ernst and everyone.
I made a prediction for a person, that they would probably have a profession active in the 12th house area. Strong indications for that.
But then I look at the person´s Sarva column in asthakavarga, and they get only 16 points. The lagna, if it would count, would add 5 more though. Not much of a difference, but still.
It´s tempting to consider it and I wonder if we shouldn´t. (Which I guess we shouldn´t after all, since the method is taught that way...)
After all the Lagna is basically dharma, right; a natural inclination? Sounds like a quite strong indication to me; where we naturally are going to be and develop.
Any thoughts, somebody?
but if we added the lagna the points have to be adjust as to what is low, med and high, so it really wont make a difference.