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planetary aspects

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I know planetary aspects are discussed in the Jyotish building blocks course.


But how exactly do we know the effect of each planet and its aspect of the other planets?  how do we comprehensively understand all the combinations that each planet will give when it aspects another planet?

Thank you , much thanks and many blessings .

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There are different types of aspects that we apply in different readings. It´s fairly complex and takes a lot of experience to completely understand. Lots of studies! I´m still after two years of studies (mostly cards though) only in the beginning of this understanding, I feel.


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3414
Joined: 12 years ago

THe most significant effect of planets aspecting each other is determined by the Lajjitaadi avasthas of which there are three courses available. 

Then aspects also form yogas which are discussed in the YOgas course

and finally , aspects have an effect in predictions which are taught in the predictive courses. 

a planet may be helping a planet in one of these ways and hurting it in another, which is one of the reasons why our lives can be having good and bad things at the same time. 

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Dear Ernst and All, 

I am new to the Forum -- and have a follow-up question regarding reading charts with aspect when starting out my studies. I hope it contributes to this conversation. 

Can we effectively use aspects in chart analysis of character (in a general consulting reading, rather than concrete/predictive), if we have not yet studied the Lajjitaadi avasthas?

For example, if we understand and appreciate the Natural, Temporary, and Combined planetary conditions -- is this enough to assess certain, if not all, elements of planetary strength and weakness?

It seems one pathway forward is to forgoe aspectual analysis until I can muster the courage 🙂 to fully study the Lajjitaadi avasthas. A confirmation or clarification on this would be wonderful. 

The other pathway seems an incremental approach using Combined planetary relationships. It seems important, in this case, to differentiate between exactly what information is available in this technique, and what specifically is not. That is, what information is only avaialble through Lajjitaadi avasthas. If this seems true, a confirmation or clarification would be wonderful here as well. 

It may be that simply taking the Lajjitaadi avasthas courses will clarify all of this. If so, let me know and thank you!

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3414
Joined: 12 years ago

Hi Kirk, you can do that. I did that for YEARS, and helped a lot of people. However, when I learned how to use Lajjitaadi avasthas the difference was huge. Lajjitaadi avasthas are not all that hard either, so I do encourage you to jump into them as soon as possible. The first time I taught these avasthas, there were many astrologers in teh course who had been practicing astrology for 30 plus years, and they said, "this is the missing link we have always been looking for." 

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Eminent Member
Posts: 19

@ernst Thank you Ernst. This is very helpful insight I wouldn't have known otherwise.
