Predict the exact r...
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Predict the exact return home date

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I've been stuck in India for 3 months because of the carantine. I borrow computer and work with my transits to predict the day I'm gonna come back home.

Should I check for 4th cusp, 4th Lord - Home or 7th Lord - foreign countries? What is better in this situation? What about 12 th Lord in the 12th and going retrograde soon? Isolation and expenses? Is there a hope to get home? 

I've tried to predict, but unsucsessfully ???? Many transits are going through my 12th house. I have Venus my AK ruling the 12th transiting the 12th, this is also Venus return. Saturn my 7th ruler is retrograde in 7th with Jupiter... And soon Venus will retrograde in my 12 th... Sun Eclipse on 21st of June will hit my 12 th. and Venus. Transiting Rahu exactly conjunct my natal Venus. Transiting Mercury ruling my 4th soon will cross my Lagna and get retrograde... My Sun is in 12th...

With previous Western Astrology background about the retrogrades I think I'm totally stuck in India. 

I know.. I know.. Not a secret, but I'm stuck in India with my Beloved and want to marry... I was never married before. I understand what I see in my chart now due to transits about the relationships. 

I rectified my birth chart according to Ernst course. Listen and listen to this predicting with transits course, but this part seems tricky for me. 

Lina 9th May 1980, 8:26:02 a.m. Kaunas, Lithuania. 

Thank you for help and suggestions! 





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Hi Lina,

At first glance, October 12 - December 3rd. If it does happen earlier, let me know 🙂


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@mirela Thank you. Just our visa is till the 30th of June. They should release commercial flights in July. Evacuation flights are possible, but expensive. And it's time to go home....

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@lina keeping my fingers crossed for you????

If it was to happen before June 30th, it would be right this week June 13th-June 19th. June 17th maybe? 

Nothing jumps at me for week June 20th - June 26th.

Week June 27th - July 3rd : June 30th might be a possible date.

Then June 30th- October 12th, I have a harder time seeing it. Right now, I am drawn to the October 12th - December 3rd time frame. 

Keep us posted after it happens, if you don't mind. I would be curious to look at this closer after the event unfolds.

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@mirela Sorry for late reply 5th of July I got the ticket. It was incredible. 

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Thank you Mirela!

  1. I think Solar Eclipse 21st of Rasi aspecting my 4th cusp will help to buy a ticket for 5th or 7th of July. But this is not according to all predicting with transits rules.
  2. Also 5th of July is full Moon on 1/7 axis..

I think I should check for 4 th house transits... This event is very tricky as many transiting planetos are in my 12th an 7 th is with Jupiter and Saturn retrograde. We went to India on full Moon 10th March aspecting Saturn my 7 th Lord.. 

????Let you know ????





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Hi Lina,

still in India - or back home already?

Currently I am on a concrete predicting course with Michael Reed. If you give me the Permission to use your birth data, we could use it in one of our following classes, either next saturday (25th or the next one) and give you our results. just let me know.

best and good luck wherever you are......


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I'm Sorry for late reply. Ofcourse you can use ???? I bought tickets on the 5th of July, on the 6th of July I was home. It was very tough to buy tickets as the first flight was evacuation flight. Because they drop the tickets for sale just for a few minutes you never know. So you must check all day every hour. I was stressed, but predicted my flight day exactly ????✌️

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Hi Lina,

so now I wasn't attending the forum for a while - and the course ended before your reply. 

but thank you for your permission. and good to read that you got back home safely.

