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Venus as karaka for one's sexual orientation?

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Hello Ernst,

Would we consider Ve as a karaka for one's sexual orientation: like if they are straight, gay, non binary ect.? 

I was recently looking at a chart with Ve shamed by Su and Ke in Leo. It was a gay woman who confirmed what I thought - that her father gave her a very hard time about being gay from a young age (in 2nd house). 

7 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3429
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No, not at all. Sexual orientation is determined by planets in 7th, with 7th lord, and saturn impacting sun and 10th for men and moon and 4th for woman.

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Sa and Me are eunuch planets. I assume their influence with what you wrote above would point more towards homosexuality, though not necessarily guarantee it? 

I have yet to take the relationship compatibility course. I assume you go over all of this in that?..

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3429
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I dont remember where i covered it.

ketu is also a eunuch, so look for first house factors to be influenced by eunuch's and 7th by opposite gender planets and eunuchs. 

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And would the D7 be the varga to clarify this as well?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3429
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Yes, you can. 

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I have the same conjunction in Libra in my 2nd house. In my case,  one of the ways that the shame of Venus manifested itself was: I met someone with the same conjunction (same d/o/b) who made me feel like I wasn't good enough to be with them. And although this happened 6 years ago, I'm still working on getting over this person. However, because Venus is also Svastha in my chart, this person was never intentionally harmful in their actions towards me—quite the opposite, in fact. So maybe because she also has a starved Venus in Leo, the effects of the Venus shaming were more directly damaging to her? @scott-m-19   

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Perhaps, her Ve is within 2 degrees of Su and combust. Ve gets a really nice 3rd house aspect from Sa which I think really aided her in giving a honest look at everything and to practically manage. With her, it created a lot of anger. She always dressed like a boy and always resorted to looking like one (even now). Her father hated this and didn't understand her nature I guess. Early childhood was hard especially with all of this. Ve here rules 4th and 11th. 

Ma rules 10th cusp which can relate to father as an authority figure. Ma is tightly conjunct rahu in 8th. 

She told me that she went years holding some anger about this. She is over it now, but it took time to heal and accept. Also has Ma/Ra conjunct within 21 minutes of arc in 8th house. She took her anger into the military and as a police officer for some time. 
