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Career and Skills

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Dear @ernst

Which Karakas of a planet can be used as skills (in 2nd 3rd and 5th) and which need to be exactly in conjunction with AK/Pada/Upapada to give a Career?

For example according to Jaimini Mo + Ju/Ve/Me gives writhing skills and being in 2nd, 3rd or 5th is enough for them to be considered as a Career. For a Computer programmer we need Ra as well. Now should this Ra be absolutely in conjunction with AK/Pada/Upapada or can it be in the 2nd, 3rd, or 5th of them to make a computer programmer?

how do we determine which Karakas of a planet to use as Skill or not ?

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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Its all in the Jaimini course, there is even a table that shows it, so just review that. 

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Dear @ernst 

I've studied the Jamini course recently and I go through it as I'm rectifying some D60's based on the Career. I wouldn't have asked if I hadn't gone through the course to find my answer before. It's in practice that I have problems. Let me explain:

In some charts whom I know their career, every thing works like a clock and I can rectify their D60 using the career technique, but in some it's not possible. for example my own chart:

My Careers are (Have Been):

Computer programmer, Vastu consultant, Artrologer, Teacher

So in the D60 I Need Ju,Mo and Ke to give their skills and Ma,Ra and Ve to become career planets meaning they need to conjunct the Pada,Upapada in D60.

With around 2 minutes of birth time adjustment compared to my birth certificate, the D60 will show astrologer,Computer programmer and vastu consultant. but there is noway I can make Ra and Ve both conjunct the Padas and still have Ke and Ju as talent Planets, So no teaching or no Computer programming!

the same happens with several other charts as well. So I thought perhaps I've miss understood something in the course.

A) I thought Talents are only what Jamini gives in the second pada of the first chapter (ke for math and astronomy, Mo+Ju/Ve/Me for writing, ...) and every other thing must conjunct AK/Pada/UP to became a career planet.

B) If Ve in the 2nd,3rd or 5th can give teaching, so in the list you give in the "Subtleties of Career Determination" document every other career can become a possibility just by the career giving planets in the 2nd,3rd or 5th from the AK/Pada/UP.

(obviously we will check the Bhava connection as well)

So witch statement is correct A or B ?



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The other side to this is that no technique is 100% accurate. So, sometimes not everything will be shown by this method. What Ernst teaches with the career determination through Jaimini is quite brilliant, but it does not work 100% of the time. I have looked at maybe 400-500 charts trying to determine career or guess someone's career, I am finally getting a better grasp at it as it is tough to do! I recall some actors/actresses didn't really show up fully. I see this every so often. Honestly, if one can get into the ballpark of a potential career, they are doing good...

Yogesh Lohra
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@ramin - If I may help ?  I know career stuff looks easy when you listen but when you open the chart becomes a different story 🙂 , now let me to be very precise on your query  your option A is correct interpretation just adding few more extra bits 

A) I thought Talents are only what Jamini gives in the second pada of the first chapter (ke for math and astronomy, Mo+Ju/Ve/Me for writing, ...) and every other thing must conjunct AK/Pada/UP to became a career planet also lord of the rashi in which AK/PADA/UP are placed in d1 , d9 and d60 becomes career planets that is it .  so my advice would be just determine the career planets in Rashi , Navamsha  and if time is accurate look at d60 and see the house connections as per chart given by Ernst which you mentioned you already know and yes  those 2 , 3 and 5 houses use  exactly it is mentioned by Jaiminy 2nd chapter , you will be good , forget this skill word it confuses  i guess . Hope this helps .

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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Yes, most careers are indicated by planets to the first of pada, svamsa, ak or upapada and secodarily from the lagna and 10th. Then there are the skills, which are indicated by 1, 2, 3, 5. You have to follow this stringently. Career and skills are different, career is what a person is doing, skills is what they use to do it. So a person can be a counselor, who uses astrology, or not. A person can be a stock broker, who uses astrology. A person can be a doctor, who uses medical astrology. 

A person can be a doctor who writes medical books, or not. so its best to first look for first house career, and then round it out with skills.

so to teach we need either the full moon or venus. and dont forget to use the secondary career factors:

Additionally, there are secondary Career Factors that are related to the above:
1. The Lagna
2. The Lagna Lord
3. The 10th Bhava
4. The 10th Bhava Lord
The Rasis that these fall in and the Grahas they join are secondary career factors which in most cases can be ignored and
which are generally best ignored otherwise things can get overwhelming. The Lagna and 10th Bhava are the two factors
that non-Jaimini astrologers find useful, and they can be, but not nearly as useful as Jaimini’s primary Career Indicators.

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@ernst Hi Ernst, If a person has Saturn and Uranus in the 2nd house from the Pada (which has only Neptune in it), what kind of skills would that denote? 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Uranus is not used for this technique. Saturn in 2nd makes a person have the the intelligence of simplicity. 

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@ernst Thank you. Could one say they have a talent for perseverance as well?

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