House cusp / House ...
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House cusp / House as counted from the Lagna

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(@Anonymous 21731)
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In Jaimini Sutras II audio course (#7) Ernst talks about technique where intelligent and other factors and what person is involved is seen by the placement and aspects of AK, Lagna Lord and aspects to the Lagna. In this course the houses which are used are the houses as signs counted from the Ascendant.

In the Focal Bhavas course the same technique is used but in that course it is used with the House cusp.

I understand that the signs from the Ascendant represents more the internal experience and the house cusps the concrete thing. However in the context of this technique I don't completely understand how to separate the meaning of house as sign from the Ascendant and the house cusp.

So any insight how to use these two ways of interpret this technique would be very welcome! 


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I believe you are referring to Authorship and Intelligence (Sutra and Sutra 1.3.37. The way I understand it is that in Authorship and Intelligence, the information to determine the type of intelligence a person will use is derived from the meaning/symbol of the planet(s) in the svamsa, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th from it. And, in the influence between the bhavas and lagna/AK class, the type of intelligence is derived from the meaning of the house cusps (3rd = intelligence to develop a skill and working hard at it, ability to conceptualize, logic, 5th = intelligence coming up with creative things, creative ventures like writing a book, ... 6th = intelligence to improve and become better in life, to overcome difficulties or have a better life quality, ideas to make life better, materially (physically or financially) 

So, both techniques are complementary I find. I hope that is what you meant in your question...

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(@Anonymous 21731)
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Thanks for the Answer! I'm searching answer to bit different thing.

I'm referring to 1.3.37-41 "Influence between Bhavas and the Lagna and Atma Karaka". 

What I'm trying to figure out is the difference between using this technique with houses as signs counted from the Ascendant and houses and house cusps. As where I'm living these cusps are very much stacked in signs 🙂 

Is there some kind of different in meaning of AK (or other significator used in this technique) in the 5th signs from the ascendant or AK in the 5th house cusp?

Should I combine the effect of these two ways or use them separately for different things? 

I.e. AK is in the 5th house as signs counted from the Ascendant which would give intelligent. But the 5th cusp falls in to the 2nd sign as counted from the Ascendant. So what would be the difference if the 5th cusp is in the 5th sign or in the 2nd sign?

I hope this makes sense what I'm asking.


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@ipoman Actually, I checked my notes and Ernst says that we are only counting forward for this technique, so we are counting houses/signs from the Lagna in a forward direction regardless of male/female signs. Which, to me, means that we are not using cusps for this specific technique. If you look at George Bush Jr chart + Homework 7 answers of the Jaimini Sutra II homework answers, you will see that Ernst is using full houses/rasis to determine house lords and rasi aspects. 

(@Anonymous 21731)
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@mona Hey. I have no problem understanding the technique represented on that Jaimini audio course. In that technique the cusps are not considered. However in the Jaimini -> Focal bhavas course the cusps are used and for me it seems that the technique itself is exactly the same technique as in the Audio course but applied to the house cusps.

So I'm wondering how the interpreting differentiates between these two ways and how to use them most effectively. Is it better to use them together for the same things stacking the result, use them together but interpret them with different nuance, use only one of them or maybe something else? 

I hope you understand what I mean 🙂 



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@ipoman ok, I understand better now. I'm only using what I learned from the audio course, this is as far as I want to study Jaimini, I find it provides so much already;) In general, I prefer not to stack up or mix and match. I would stick to one technique only, whichever you are the most comfortable with, and run with it. But, that's a personal choice.  I believe the Focal bhavas course is a more recent one, so probably more relevant as well.

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@ipoman I found the thing with rasis and cusps also confusing. It is only now that I am watching Concrete Predictions with Vimsottari dasa, where both are being used all the time, that I see how cusps and rasis are used together. However, the difference is still not totally clear to me as sometimes it seems there is none and sometimes it is clear, but I still have some way to go.
