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Dara karaka Venus in 7th house with Saturn

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This is a topic that has been discussed times before, but if person has Venus as Dara karaka in 7th house with Saturn, can in cause dissatisfaction to both side? Seems it works quite often, specially when Venus has pretty low quality?

Can it lead to a situation where a person is alternately either alone or looking intensely for new partners, specially if Venus as Dara karaka and trashed?

I have seen many people who has trashed Venus in 7th how they are even in existing relationship still sort of unhappy and like to explore to find a new partner (again and again and again)?

It seems that this can cause some kind of longing and hope at the level of the soul. When a new partner is found, one seems to experience a similar frustration that there is not enough help or support.

When talking to such people, there is a certain amount of despair over and over again that they expect support from their partner, but this is little or simply not available at some point and causes repeated disappointment.

This thing in turn causes desire to find someone who is different and unfortunately, same problem is repeated. 

Thanks for opinions.

3 Replies
Kristiana Y
Posts: 28
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Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Ayan, 

I think you may have something to learn from those examples, that is why they are repeating as patterns. However, things are not so simple. Apart from dignity, you should look at planetary aspects towards the darakaraka and also examine dignity and aspects (transferred from Rasi) in the D7 and D9. 

Even if Venus is trashed, a person may never go through Venus Mahadasa so relationships are Dasa dependent (as almost everything in astrology). Hope this helps 🙂



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Joined: 5 years ago

Thank You! 

May I ask, what kind of Dashas You are talking about? Dashas are quite tricky...

But yes, if clients or people are asking questions with same pattern, it would be a sign.

I like to handle charts as some kind of sum of energies, which is a number of different details, but the sum seems to give a more specific trend.



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Kristiana Y
Joined: 4 years ago

Eminent Member
Posts: 28

@ayan I was referring to the Vimshottari Dasas. Venus's Mahadasa is ~20 years so I would bet a lot of bad relationships if it is truly trashed.


