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Skills determination question.

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Dear friends, I can't remember the following thing. When you look at skills that are given by more than one planet, do both of these planets have to be connected to the required bhava cusp to have an effect? For example:If we have Moon Venus in the right places fro writing skills and Mo is connected to 5cusp, does Ve have to be connected to 5cusp as well for the writer to have imagination and readers, or is Mo enough?

Thank you

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Kristiana Y
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Hi David! 

Cusps are giving the concrete reality, but in your case I believe Moon/Venus should be the correct house lords and also rasi aspecting each other. It is a Jaimini thing, I believe you are referring to the Career determining factors, but I honestly forgot in which Upadesa Sutras was this (I bet my money on 3rd). If I am not wrong, not only Mo/Ve give authorship, Me could give it too in a technical manner. 



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Hi David, my understanding is that Moon always has to be involved and it also has to be combined with Venus (or also with Jup or Me). Or if any of these planets are in the sign of Cancer. I would recommend this video from Laura Barat where she explains the technique (a student of Ernst):

You can skip to minute 12 if you already know how to calculate the Pada and Upapada. 


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@mona I have watched the video and she says that Me, Ju or Ve in cancer also gives writing potential. I don't remeber hearing about this before. Is this a valid principle? I recall that for healing Ernst once that from virgo svamsa Moon in trines also gives a healer. But svamsa would include AK while that lady just says cancer with Ve which is not Ak for the example...I think if that was true there would be potential writers being born in batches for years together. What do you think?

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@david108 I think the idea is that each time the Moon is linked to Venus, Mercury and/or Jupiter, it gives writing abilities, including when any of these planets is in the sign of Cancer. But, then, it’s really about the ability, not necessarily whether this will be a successful endeavor (or an endeavor at all) for that person. When it comes to healing, it is quite loose from what I recall when moon and Mercury are linked like moon in a Mercury sign for example, it gives the ability.

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@mona I recall that for healing Mo and Me must be in trines from each other from a relevant place, or they have to both be related to 6cusp. I wonder if this can be replaced by simply Mo in virgo or Me in cancer, because I don't remember Ernst saying this in Jaimini classes. To sum up, could skills mentioned in Jaimini sutras also work if one of the planets forming it is replaced by a sign ruled by that planet in which other planets are placed.... ???? Anyway, sorry to be a nitpick here, but this topic is really important to me.

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@david108 I do remember Ernst saying that, for healing, there’s a lot of room. I don’t remember his terms exactly but I will check my notes and get back to you. It felt like healing abilities are available to most, which makes sense. Laura Barat also made a YouTube video on that specific topic:

(I would have to listen to it again)

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@mona You were helpful again! ???? That video made me check the actual sutras and it says when Mo in trines from the relevant place and Me aspecting. That indeed gives it more room than I assumed. I also remembered if Mo and Me influence the 6cusp from a relevant place that is also a healer.  And of course, would a virgo or gemini pada from which Moon is in trines also make a healer? At least for virgo, I believe Ernst says that somewhere. And if so, than probably Ve, Me or Ju in cancer pada also make a writer by the same principle. 

Also when you say healing ability should be more common it struck me that one very powerful healer once told me, everyone can be a healer if they sincerely ask the divine to help their brothers and sisters. ???? 

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I am back again. I listened to the last audio of Jaimin sutras III where Ernst says that if Mo and Me are both career planets and connected to 6cusp that gives medical field. Also if Me is in trine from a career place where Mo is or vice versa, it gives medical field. So what now with the above? I hope Ernst tells us what are all possibilities of Me Mo relations here. 

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@david108 I definitely need to listen to that last class again. Are you particularly interested in the medical field? Because, as we discussed, "healing" is vaster than that (to echo what a healer told you, my mentor once mentioned we can heal someone with one word). But, for healing abilities in the medical field, I would definitely stick to that more narrow definition that Ernst gives.

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@mona I agree about healing abilities. This is why I really desire to see healing abilities in a chart. Also I looked at a chart of psychiatrist and could not find healing abilities, so I need to know all possible combinations.

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Hi David

In the examples Ersnt discusses, he showed the cusp connection to all the grahas. So I believe ideal scenario is where all grahas are individually linked all the required cusps.


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@rajan My understanding is that, to determine the skills), Moon and Jupiter, Venus or Mercury have to be in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 5th from the AK, Pada or Upapada (using the 10th cusp to determine the UP). Being a sign-based technique, we count forward with masculine signs and backwards with feminine. If no in the Rasi, we look at D9 (and vice et versa) and we win the jackpot if in both D1 and D9 :). But that’s “just” to determine the skills, this doesn’t mean the person will be successful at it. Don’t we look at the cusps fro that then (To determine success in being a writer)?

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There's an intermediate stage too.. Will he be using those skills to write or not (to confirm his career as author) . And that's what David is asking I think .

So once we can see the skills as per the rules correctly mentioned by you, we need to see if the career, or in this case the skills grahas are connected to the relevant writing bhavas or not to determine if the native will have writing as a major part of his karma

For authorship, Ernst recommends connection to 9H for tales, 5H for teaching and 3H for grammar and writing.

(You may refer to the Class 9 homework answers of 3rd Jaimini audio course where he discusses Ray Bradbury horoscope.)

After that, we may look at yogas etc to see success potential

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@rajan awesome, thanks!

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@rajan Thank you, that's what I needed to hear. All grahas need to be linked, yes:) Thank you also Mona and Kristiana. I will check the video mentioned above.
