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Jaimini Yes or No Technique for Marriage- Malefic UP with Saturn in Own Sign Rasi Aspecting It

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I watched a youtube video by Levi Cosijn where he goes over this technique. He said a malefic UP in the D60 can still give marriage with benefic rasi aspects. Is this correct? He also said that an exalted malefic and a malefic in its own sign  (like Saturn in Aquarius) can be considered benefic rasis aspects and still give marriage even if the UP they're aspecting is a malefic sign. Is this correct? I am getting REALLY DEPRESSED looking at my own chart because although I have Libra as my UP in my D7 with Venus in Taurus rasi aspecting it, my D60 UP is Aries and the only "benefic" rasi aspect is Saturn in Aquarius. So do I have a "no marriage" chart? Or is Levi correct?

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think your giving too much weight to one technique, especially because D60 is so sensitive to seconds of time.  I have D60 UP in Aries, no planets in the sign and aspected by Sun in Scorpio, Mars and Ketu in Leo and Mercury and Rahu in Aquarius.  So lots of malefic influence but I still got married in Sun dasa.  D60 9th cusp is in Leo so there is an interchange with UP, UP lord and Sun,  plus Pada of Leo is in Scorpio with the Sun.  My marriage time is also shown by the 9th cusp in D9 in Leo and Sun is in Leo.  I think you must consider other factors, especially the 9th cusp and not fixate on UP. 

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Thank you for your reply. Ok yes I suppose you are right but wouldn't Mercury aspecting your UP in the D60 be considered a benefic aspect? I don't have a single benefic planet aspecting Aries in my D60, you at least have Mercury aspecting which I think makes a big difference. I'm still learning so thanks for your patience and help.

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Sure Mercury helps, but if we just consider malefics -vs- benefics, one benefic vs 4 malefics usually negates the benefic influence and causes failure.  I think my chart shows more the importance of the 9th cusp and it's lord.  For meeting the person look for 9th cusp, 7th cusp and 1st cusp in D1.  Dasas of these are powerful.  Of course karakas are also important as well.  

It's much more important to focus on sharing yourself with others rather than trying to find if you have a marriage or "no marriage" horoscope.  I actually never wanted to get married, it happened anyway and I just focused on sharing experiences, emotions, thoughts, activities and myself with partners and allowing that process to change me and also bring me into a clearer understanding of who I am.   Astrology can help this process but actually some people have charts that the 9th house ruins their relationships and the 7th very much support it.  I have encountered these people and they have a "better off not getting married" chart and yet a chart that supports relationships.  Answer there is simple, be together and don't get married!  There are funny things different cultures do.  There is a Thai technique which is basically Kuja dosa and if one of the people getting married has it, they perform the marriage but plan a divorce in 6 months.  the couple spends a month apart and then get remarried.  Also in Nepal they have a version of this and they will actually marry a dog!  Then divorce the dog and marry the partner.  So really approach the heart of partnership and get that right, then no matter what you will find fulfilling experiences and you will not be depressed because you will know you are someone people like to be around and you will know who you want to be around, how to be around them, what attracts you and how to act appropriately.  To be really fulfilled in relationship you need emotional freedom.  When you have it, it comes off as energetic confidence which everybody finds sexy.

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Hi @annabanana,

In this technique, studying the UP from Rasi, D7 and D60(which is extremely time sensitive, the UP could change in about 1 second.pls check my end note)-> they could each have around 30% say about the situation. And it’s not only to see a NO marriage chart at all. If all 3 Vargas point out unfavorably, there could be 3 possibilities on the table: 1) One gets married but the spouse could die early 2) One gets married and could get divorced 3) No marriage, one could choose another ashram/path.

According to the Sutras, if the Rasi is malefic, boom, then it’s amongst any of the 3 possibilities above) by default.

However, a benefic aspect could help bail that out.

No Malefic aspects are taken into account for this specific technique.

The Sun in this part is not to considered a malefic.

Only the benefic aspects are looked for. Malefic aspects don’t influence in this matter. (As in Quasar’s case, 1 benefic Mercury aspect, 3 malefic infuences; they don’t count. Only Mercury counts.) However, those malefic aspects could indicate to the difficulties within the marriage, that’s another issue.

If there is a malefic in the rasi even if it’s a benefic rasi, then again boom. Only a benefic aspect or conjunction could bail out.

DB planets change the matter.

DB planets, Malefic rasi, Malefic conjunct-> makes the situation unfavorable.

A DB benefic rasi aspect or conjunction won’t bail out any malefic rasi or conjunction issue.

EX planet in UP, even a malefic, could give a lot. However, I wouldn’t consider EX or MT malefic aspect as a bail out planet. As for this technique, it is clear for Malefic aspects are not to be considered. (Haven’t tested to have a say)

The Lord of UP in UP or in own rasi, is also accepted favorable.

I agree with @Quasar259 about the idea of concentrating in one technique. I’m truly in love with the Jaimini system, however it is just one technique. It’s essential to get confirmation from some other techniques to have a say about anything; and even that would be 75% of the Truth the best.


End Note: D60 Shastiamsa each cusp might change signs with an average of 2 minutes in this specific Varga.
What I mean by “1 second” is, if the UP (the relevant cusp, might jump into the previous or the next sign in 1 second of a change in the birth time), if the pertinent cusp is at the very last or first second in that sign, which is the case in each varga, the UP changes and therefore, for this technique, 1/3 of the confirmation could not be something I’d choose to count on. 

Thank you


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@zumrutd Hi-Thanks for your thoughtful response. I thought D60 had the "final" say? That is why I am concerned, my D60 does not have a single benefic aspect to the UP which is Aries as I mentioned, especially if malefics exalted or in own sign are not considered benefic. I also thought that the D60 changed every 2 minutes. I can't say with 100% certainty but I'm pretty sure my birth time is accurate. I could be wrong. I don't think I will ever know for sure.

I am not so worried about my Rasi and my D7 as much since I have Libra as my UP in the D7 with Venus aspecting it from Taurus.

I appreciate everyone's help though I'm still unsure what to think about my chart lol. What other techniques are suggested to determine yes or no for marriage?


Thanks again-Annapurna




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@zumrutd very nice fleshing out of the technique, thanks for the details.

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@quasar259 I was worried whether it would be right or not to mention in details. If it was not, then I feel bad about it. But, I wanted anna to not to feel depressed. 
What you mentioned, the Nepal technique is what happened in my life! We separated with my ex and I kept the dog, and he was my life partner for the rest of his life, like I married the dog and never got together back with the ex. I knew with whom I wanted to be around. 
That is such a valuable information that I’m cherished to know about. 

Thank youZumrut 


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@zumrutd Well I still feel depressed. ???? I thought in Ernst’s lesson on this technique he said that the D60 had the final say so I didn’t learn that it only contributes 30% to the result. He hasn’t responded but maybe he can clarify further if he does. If there is another technique that can be used to determine yes/no for marriage that might negate what my D60 is showing, I am all ears. Interestingly, when I cast my chart using the sidereal instead of tropical, my D60 shows strong for marriage but with the tropical it is the opposite case.
