It appears that the same video files have been posted for 4 videos in : Coursses->ConcreteChartAndVargaAnalysisWithJaimini-> Drekkanna videos (31 through 34). I'm only able to see two distinct videos (31,32) and the others are repeat of this.
I am also experiencing the same behaviour with Chaturthamsa videos in the series i.e 35,36,37. Only 35 plays; rest are all copies of the same video in 35
Can someone confirm this is the case?
There is a technical problem, yes. I asked Ernst and he confirmed it. He´s working on it.
Free time for chart reading...
I'm also having a problem viewing these videos and audio below that aren't working:
yes, its with most videos that only the first video in the player is working. We are waiting for tech support from the video player maker.
All videos should be playing now. Subtitles are still not working but should have those working before long.