effects of planets
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effects of planets

4 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 74
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Joined: 8 years ago

Hello Ernst, 

the sun will separate from what ever it influences, except Leo. 

 for a libra lagna, the sun is in cancer with the 10th cusp. Leo has venus and the 11th and 12th cusp. 

question 1. will sun separate from the 10th house indications of great deeds to give the 11th indications of dreams and hopes and 12th indications of getting away from the problems of this life? 

question 2. we get our inspiration from the sun. Will that come from the 10house and cancer or from 11th and 12th and Leo. 

thanks for the help. 


3 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

The sun is a karaka of power, which is the 10th hosue, so in the 10th, he grants power, not take it away. It can, however, hurt the father and so the person may have to rise to being responsible earlier. It will of course support the 11th and 12th cusps as any planet in 10th supports the houses it rules. 

INspiriation will come from the sun, what a person is inspired towards will be the things the sun rules and the house the Sun is in, so both. 


Posts: 74
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Estimable Member
Joined: 8 years ago

do you ever use the mathematical indications of the vargas meaning reduction, addiction, square and square root. 

should we try to apply them and when?

thank you

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Yes, I do, use them as secondary indicators after you look at the critical indicators. 
