Last seen: Feb 8, 2025
@ernst thank you, I shall review that course again. regards rima
@ernst thank you ever so much. that helps to make it so much clearer.
@ernst thank you ever so much. that helps to make it so much clearer.
@ernst yes I see all those transits now. thank you. do these overrule all the transits that are giving on that day? how to find out whether th...
@mirela thank you very much. I appreciate all that information. will try to digest and understand it. thank you.
@mirela thank you. that does seem something to consider.
Hello Ernst, please help me figure this one out. why would this person lose the house and job when all the transits were giving both things. the...
my question though is that there are so many giving transits for a house and for the job so why did they not deliver?
thank you.
say we are looing at the 10h. mars is the 10th lord in the D 60, D 45 and D10. it is entering the 10h in transit. but it is also the 12ld in ...
another question, is it the 12th cusp lord in the rasi? or the lord of the 12th rasi from the house in question?