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trigger transits.

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Hello Ernst and everyone, 

this is the chart of a person who lost their house offer and were returned the down payment. 

and lost their job on the same day. 29th Nov. 2023. 

but the predictive transits chart shows only good transits on that day. 

If someone can help show me what I'm not seeing, I would be very grateful. 



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my question though is that there are so many giving transits for a house and for the job so why did they not deliver?

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Hello, I am taking a peek at the chart. Quick question: is the birth time accurate? Only asking cause 2:30am seems a bit too even? That brings Lg to 4deg Aries. If the person was born by any chance at 2:18am, their Lagna changes to Pisces.

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thank you. that does seem something to consider.  

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@rimasahdev do you have a way to find out? Whether its 2:18am or 2:30am, they are in Me/Me dasa and I personally dont look at Vargas at all unless I see the event in the Rasi.

It's true that we can't make a chart fit an event, but here are a few of the transits that stand out for late Pisces Lagna. If it's not possible they are Pisces Lg and not Aries, then I am sure someone else will help you get a more clear picture.

- 4th and 7th are ruled by Mercury and they were in Me/Me Dasa

- 4th Ld Mercury was transiting the 10th cusp of career or important actions and it was joined with cruel Sun and combust Mars (Mars is also the karaka for property) and Sun for job. Mercury is also in its shadow, which means it will also be in this degrees early January 2024. In itself, it is not a problem, just that plans can suffer adjustments when Mercury the transaction planet is in shadow (Funny fact, Mercury was on the same degree in the day you posted the question, so here you try to get to the bottom of it with Mercury in Mula)

- Mercury was getting Rasa aspect from both Saturn PiK and Full Moon manifesting (Moon = GK) , a Tajika sextile from Pluto and an opposition from Moon which was transiting the 4th cusp on that day

- Saturn is crossing over their Moon in the first house - it's a long transit, they also had to deal with it last spring - I believe its called Sade Sati - I am not all that great with terminology

- Jupiter (1st and 10th Ld) was crossing exactly their Mercury (4th and 7th Ld) in the 2nd house of income, acquisitions (actually 3rd house but close enough to 2nd cusp)

- Sun is perfectly over their natal Ketu and Mars is within a Navamsa - Ketu isn't fertile that way - its tends to separate

- Venus their AK was transiting the 8th conjunct Ketu in the sky, so it did take them by surprise

- also important in the context of long term, Pluto in transit in their 11th house of gains and titles of property and has been doing a nasty square to their natal Pluto for at least a year now, and it isn't quite yet done. That means it's in the 4th from Natal Pluto. Whatever the person holds as their security paradigm in regards to anything important in their lives, they'll have to let go of

- So maybe advise them it will be a little bit until they clear these transits and not the best time for expansion 



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thank you very much. I appreciate all that information. will try to digest and understand it. thank you. 

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Hello Ernst, 

please help me figure this one out. why would this person lose the house and job when all the transits were giving both things. 

the chart data is  May 23 1984. 2.30 a.m. new delhi India. 

I've spent hours looking at the transits and the broad activation from all the vargas. 


Ernst Wilhelm
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I have not made a course yet on transits that causes losses, which I think I mentioned in the predictive transits course. 

So here mars is aspecting the moon and mars is 8th lord of breaks and moon is the 4th lord. THe 8th lord can break any house it influences and the 8th from a house also does that, see how saturn here is also approaching the moon and saturn is the 8th lord from the 4th, and when you get both saturn and mars ganging up on a planet that planet will have issues, especially if one is 8th lord. 

12th can give losses and here moon is in 12th. 

loosing the job is harder to find. Job is 6th house. 6th lord mercury has 12th lord on it. Mercury in transit is rasi aspected by Saturn, lord of loss. Jupiter who is transting mercury is natally in 10th where it is DB as 12th lord, so thats a combo to loose the abilty to manage responsibilities as well. 

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yes I see all those transits now. thank you. 

do these overrule all the transits that are giving on that day?

how to find out whether the transits that are giving or the ones taking away will prevail?

thank you so much for the help. 

Ernst Wilhelm
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You should use the dasas along with the trigger transits to see the event, the dasa shows whats coming, the trigger transit is for timing the event to a day or within a few days of happening. 

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thank you ever so much. that helps to make it so much clearer. 


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thank you ever so much. that helps to make it so much clearer. 

