Sidereal or Tropica...
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Sidereal or Tropical?

2 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 78
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Hi friends. I’m a newbie to astrology and am doing the best I can. I have a basic question — should I learn sidereal or tropical astrology first? I thought Ernst used sidereal but just came across a Youtube video where he said he now uses tropical. I’m confused which one I should learn first and which one is more accurate -- my goal is to learn both either way.

I apologize if I'm posting in the wrong forum, I didn't see one for this exact topic. Thank you so much for your time! 🙂

1 Reply
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3498
Joined: 12 years ago

I do everything with tropical. When I started to study the sanskrit astronomy texts I saw more evidence that they used tropical than sidereal and so I tested all techniques and everyone tested out better with tropical zodiac, so in 2007 I officially went to that for everything. 

There is really  no such thing as tropical or sidereal astrology, there is just zodiacal astrology and you have to decide how you want to calculate out the zodiac, tropically or sidereally, but all techniques work with either calculation but I found all techniques work to a higher percentage of time with tropical than sidereal. 
