Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
Haha, what great timing! Just a few days ago I was reading, "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk and he wrote about the difference betwee...
@qwertym2 I think Staffan just gave you some great income ideas ;). Graveyard gains! 😆
Congrats Ernst! We all love you!
@enikokonrad Hi Eniko :). Thank you for taking the time to write back to me. I love how you mentioned Kali. I just bought a Canvas Print of her. She r...
@qwertym2 Awesome. That makes sense. Hmm, income examples from the 12th house. Foreign business dealings -- that actually made me think about drop s...
Great question! I'd love to share my personal take -- I have a Moon/Mercury conjunction in the 11th house (also the 11th and 10th cusp). I'm just t...
@qwertym2 That's so interesting! May I ask if there's a foreign element to your social network? Maybe some of them are from different parts of the wor...
Great question! I'd also love to know the answer to this as well.
@tamarap Wow, thank you again for sharing your story and advice. First off, I'm so sorry that you were left alone without your mother in those first 8...
@staffan Can't wait. I just saw his newest video on Handwriting as well. I feel so grateful to have him as a teacher!
@fpbjuke Hi :). Sweet, glad to know that we're on the same page. This makes total sense -- thank you so much!
@staffan Ohh, you also look at the lord of the Svamsa and see where it's placed? I haven't heard of that one yet. Looking into that to get more inf...
@ernst Hey Ernst! Should we use house lords or house cusp lords for the Tajika yogas? Thank you so much :))