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The D4

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Posts: 41
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Hi Ernst, I've been trying to understand the D4 lately, as I'd like to increase my fortune.  As you say in your video, there isn't much information on it, and I'd dearly love to hear more, not only just for the general purpose of having more money, but also because 1)  I'm interested in interior design (houses, real estate), and 2) I work in commercial mortgages, and need to know what area of the company to focus on as I move up the ladder.

My mercury (most important planet) is in the 7th house in the D4, so I guess I'm good at partnerships, although I haven't really had the chance to observe that.  I'm not really a partnership kind of person.  Should I be?

The best planets are in my 12th house,and  indeed when I leave a place, I am blessed, like I'm given gifts.

For example, when I left my last apartment, I was given MORE back in deposit money than I paid.  Like my deposit was 800$, and they gave me back 850$.  (I asked them if they were sure, and they said yes).  

Previous to that, I house sat for a lady's cat, and I hated the cat, but when she came back, she took me out and showered me with gifts (that I definitely didn't deserve.)

Knowing this, how can I use that 12th house strength to my advantage?  I have Venus and Pluto there (in Aries) and I do indeed spend all my extra money on my apartment.  Ive been thinking if I redirect that energy into investing in foreign currency, that will satisfy the expression of Venus in the 12th.

I do need to own real estate though, and my mars (owning land) is unaspected in the 8th house.  Is there some way I can "lose" money (12th house) to save up for a house?

I've also thought about buying old furniture and transforming it (Pluto) and reselling it for a profit.  

Any advice on how to milk that healthy 12th house? 

And what do you believe about unaspected planets? 

And youIyou said if the12th lord (mars) is in the 8th house, that makes one a scholar, so should I do lots of market research?  Will that help me save up for a house, though?

I heard another teacher say the 8th house represents the space other people take up in your house, which made me think of getting a roommate to pay for a portion of my rent.

And finally, do you have any more teaching videos on the D4 coming out soon?



