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Hi Ernst,

I have started the third jaimini audio course, and the calculation of the upapada is instructed from the 10 casp, i am wondering, why in that case we don't calculate the 7th pada in the same way (which is from the 7th casp), as well as the other houses padas. it can be crucial if the casps are not located equally from the lagna, especially, when we use the relation of those houses padas, to the lagna pada  ie; trine or angel to determine success and so on.

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Hi Sharon, not sure I understand your question. We can calculate the Pada from any house cusp, including the 7th cusp. Ernst mentioned the 7th cusp Pada in his course and also, if I remember correctly, that we can apply the same process with any other cusp. Is that what you were asking?

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yes thats what i was asking,

 in the second audio course of jaimini, when he refers to the 7th pada and the techniques related to it ,as well as mentioning the other houses padas, he never mention cusps ,only sign places from the lagna, as indication for a specific house. and not ones in the examples he shows and the charts he uses he refers to the cusps. only at the third course he mention the 10 cusp as a reference to the 10 house to calculate the pada.

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@sharonsegall Jaimini is very much cusp-based so I would use the cusps as the starting point to calculate their pada. Obviously, to calculate the Pada/Upapada itself, we count rasis from the starting point.

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@mona upapada, according to Ernst is determined by the 10th cusp, or the MC, which not always fall on the 10th sign from the lagna. he states that point very clearly and all the examples he uses, to find the upapada is from the 10th cusp, thats why i was wondering why he didnt mentioned cusps before when he was determining the 7h pada previously.

in my last question to him,about  when one does uses the house cusps, he replied that jaimini techniques are signed based, not cusps, unless he mention in the classes differently.

anyway i appreciate your response, it would be logical to use the cusps in reference to the relation of the houses padas to the lagna pada, but lets see what his take on it, 

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@sharonsegall My understanding is that Ernst says "house" and "cusp" interchangeably in that course with the understanding that what we're really talking about is the cusp since Jaimini is very concrete. Which doesn't mean it's not sign-based since we count rasi to rasi to determine the Pada and Upapada and other elements. For example, first, we determine which rasi the cusp is, then we apply a rasi-based counting system to determine the Pada of that rasi, for example. Or, to determine specific skill sets, we look at where the qualifying planets are located from the svamsa for example which is a sign based methodology, then we look at the cusps influence to determine whether that skill will likely come into reality.

I may be wrong so let's see what he says as you said. 

Ernst Wilhelm
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First, Padas are padas of RASIS. So we have aries pada, etc. The PADA is the pada of the rasi that the asc cusp falls into. The Upapada is the pada of the rasi that the 10th cusp falls into.

There are no special  names given to padas of other cusps. However, of course, when we look at a pada, we take into account eveyring in the rassi, so if aries has juptier in it and the 6th cusp, the aries pada can stimulate jupiter events and 6th house events. I show it that way in rasi dasa videos. 

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thank you for that but thats not what i meant in my question. 

in the second course, you demonstrated 4 ways or techniques to determine if one is shrimantha. one of those techniques was using the 7th pada and finding if its in trine or angle to the lagna pada. in that technique you took the 7 sign from the lagna as the 7 house, to determine the 7 pada not the 7th cusp, my question is, if you use the  sign which the 10th cusp is falling in  to determine the upapada, isnt is logical in the same manner to use the sign which the 7th casp falling in to find the 7th pada for determening if one shrimantha? also in that chapter you mention that parashara indicate we can use that technique on each of the houses to see if they would be productive or not ,by using the house pada with relation to the lagna pada(if in trine or angle to it) so isnt it logical to use the sign of the specific cusp to find the pada rather then taking the sign place from the lagna?  

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@sharonsegall I think the confusion comes from the fact that, if I recall correctly, the cusps don’t show on the example charts. I’ve assumed houses and cusps were aligned in those charts in order to keep it simple. 
Also, after reading Ernst’s response, he confirms that we have to take into account the Rasi of the 7th cusp (just like for the Lagna and Upapada). Then you can look at the Pada of that Rasi that holds the 7th cusp and check relationship with other Padas. Maybe listen to the video again with that understanding in mind? Something I need to do as well to integrate the material better.

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@mona, i also had the same thing in mind,  as its the logical way to look at it, and believe me, i am going back and forth with each audio until its completely clear to me .however if you go over his lessons on jaimini, when he wants to make it clear, that it is cusp that he is talking about, he doesnt save words , (even if the examples dont show the cusps on it), he specifically mention what sign the cusp falls in, that is why i was arising that question.

so yes you might be right, maybe he did want to keep it simple at that point ...adopting some of jamini tendencies...  ???? 

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"The Upapada is the pada of the rasi that the 10th cusp falls into."


Does the Upapada show the results of the 10th cusp? What is it used for?

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@rhiannon it has many uses, career indication ,marriage, spouse etc .

check out the audio, jaimini second course and third course to learn the use of that pada and other very useful and cool techniques for concrete predictions.

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