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Varga judment

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Rodica Stefan Huigen
Posts: 42
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Hello Ernst,

I want to understand logically something.

In a Varga, I have Saturn in Scorpio (great enemy dignity). Mars is Rasi aspecting him from Aries. Mars hates Saturn. 

Will Mars with full potential help Saturn to manifest (being his Lord)?

Does Saturn get strong this way? It's about dasamsa.

Thank you very much!


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Hi Rodica,

in my opinion (which can be wrong), Mars here will try to strenghten his own house (scorpio), which makes it even harder for saturn as resident, as he so gets a double impact from mars. - imagine mars being the owner of the place where you live (so he made the contract already in favor to him) and now living opposite the street watching you and your movements all the time.

best christian

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Rodica Stefan Huigen
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Posts: 42

@christiank Thank you very much for your answer. I see it quite the same :). In my eyes  I can see Mars turn red with anger because Saturn is in HIS house :)))

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I Rodica, I don't think Mars will help Saturn. Planets behave inevitably according to their nature. Mars is wild, impulsive, non-directive energy. if this meets suns engergy who is willing to build his own kingdom the outcome will productive. sun will use mars' energy to fulfill her purpose. sun may command, mars, eager to do something, will obey. both will be happy and satisfied. 

saturn is lazy, filthy, wants to be alone, hates too much fuss, is disciplined, structured, wants order, no free floating engergy. if mars is the gas in your car, saturn is the breaks. So here mars may try to activate saturn, maybe even getting him a date. but saturn will refuse that, maybe not even responding, which will drive mars probably nuts etc. which may lead him to become even more eager to influence saturn. if saturn asks mars to relax and getting things done slowly and in order, mars may be puzzled and irritated: "what are you talking about?". mars also cannot think and develop plans, its only about "now". So he may think of hitting saturn but will not come across the idea to develop a plan (on its own, maybe with support from mercury and jupiter).

they simply don't fit in their energies and approaches to the world. so the only way they can come around is in mutually accepting their nature. sometimes hitting the gas (which may be terrible for saturn), sometimes the breaks (which give mars the feeling of standstill/almost death).



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Rodica Stefan Huigen
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Posts: 42

@christiank Thanks a lot for your time. It's funny the way you said it. It made me laugh :))

I didn't start already  studying Jamini. I am still busy with the courses for beginners.

I am curious if according with Jaimini Mars will help Saturn fully. 

I hope Ernst will give me an answer.

Have a good day and thanks again for your time and kindness.




Rodica Stefan Huigen
Posts: 42
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Joined: 4 years ago

@christiank Thanks a lot for your time. It's funny the way you said it. It made me laugh :))

I didn't start already  studying Jamini. I am still busy with the courses for beginners.

I am curious if according with Jaimini Mars will help Saturn fully. 

I hope Ernst will give me an answer.

Have a good day and thanks again for your time and kindness.




Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Yes, anytime the lord of a sign aspects its sign it helps to manifest that sign and anything in it. 

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Rodica Stefan Huigen
Joined: 4 years ago

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Posts: 42

@ernst Thank you very much Ernst!!!
